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Date:Thu, 29 Sep 2022 02:20:00 GMT

Hydraulic lines

Hydraulic lines and Hurricanes

     Yesterday we finished bleeding the hydraulic steering system after replacing a hose. We found that the hydraulic hoses on this boat are single wall un-reinforced and old. After one ozzing a while ago we have been weeping fluid into the bildge. It might have failed initially as long as last year but it finally got enough oil to get our attention. Sam and I attempted to repair the line by putting self vulcanizing tape around it, then whipping it with stainless braided wire super super tight, and finally putting another layer of self vulcanizing tape on it. Result? Our repair held!... till the hose failed about 2 inches below our repair. So, a new hose. This time with steel re-inforced lines up to 5000 psi. However, we now need to replace all the lines. It took forever to bleed the bubbles out of the lines but we did it. I wanted to make sure that if we had to move the boat due to the storm that we would actually have proper helm control! After removing the line and inspecting it, we found that the line was very nearly broken through and would have failed completely at any moment.
     Today Hurricane IAN made landfall just south of Tampa and the weather is supposed to get bad here in about 24-36 hours. We are finishing putting everything away and cleaning up the deck for bad weather. Today we went to Tristan's boat and made sure she was well tied up and added rope to re-inforce her head and backstays that were completely rotten/gone. I also climbed up Char's mast to fix her wind direction and the pully for her inner forstay halyard.
     We went to see a 1929 93 foot long wooden. It's being repaired nearby. New ribs, new planking etc. Sam and I are going to volunteer to work on her and learn a little bit about wooden boat building/repair. I think it's going to be fun!!! She's amazing!

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