Today we went to get taps for stainless steel and
then Sam and I re-tapped oversized the screw holes in the "tuff track" on
the mast. We had worked on it yesterday and broke a tap. But today we
used hss (high speed steel) taps from Fastenall. It was much easier and
much faster with no broken taps. the hss taps cut nice little metal curls.
Sam video'd our conversation and the tapping process. I was standing on
the boom or sitting on it depending on which screw hole I was tapping. I
have been wanting to finish this process for nearly a month now and finally
got it completed. I'm not sure I want to continue with the tuff track but
at the moment it's what we have. Then no matter how hard we tried I got
some metal flakes on the deck and of course it ended up in my left foot.
We went to good will and found two sets of shoes for Hannah and in the
evening we went to a Military surplus store and Sam bought a blanket and a
Gortex jacket. It was one of the best stocked surples stores I've seen.
We are now getting ready to play Gin Rummy again tonight while eating chips
and Humus with Ginger Beer. It's a beautiful evening.
Date:Thurs, 01 Oct 2021 23:10:00 GMT
Stinky Water
Today we we went back to Bacon Sails and went hunting
for parts and pieces. We found a few books, a hook for the table, and a
teapot to match Hannah's stove and some rubber to seal the back hatch.
They had new portholes but they were just a little small. We put the new
rubber seal in the back porthole that goes to the cockpit. Then we turned
on the water and it stank terrible.... we entered a new lower tank that had
not been used in weeks and it smelled like sulpher. UGH... so we drained
all the tanks and refilled them with clorinated water. We will let it sit
for 24 hours and then tomorrow we will drain and refill again. Hannah made
Chalah and we will do shabbat before dinner. We did a lot of reading and we
will not be putting chlorine bleach in the tanks because they are
stainless. Shabbat Shalom!
Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2021 03:01:00 GMT
Today in the morning we worked on the dingy motor
getting it to idle correctly. This entailed a rebuild of the carb followed
by extensive fiddeling with the mixture. Then we went for a test sail at
about 1400 local. The sky was clear temp was in the mid 70's and winds
were out of the west. We got back about 18:30. We sailed south for a
couple hours then back north again. Then we worked on controlling reverse
which is nearly impossible. On arriving back at the dock, things went much
smoother. It was a beautiful day. Then in the evening after dinner we drained and
re-filled the water tanks again in an effort to clean things out after a
good sloshing on the water. There were lots of boats out sailing and we
had a wonderful time. Hannah will be doing most of the steering and Sam
and I are working the sails at the moment. Sam jumps off to the dock,
Hannah throws lines and I steer when we are approaching the dock.
Well folks we are getting closer and closer to being able to head south.
Good night for now!
Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2021 23:45:00 GMT
Sailing 2
I suppose I should not just name each blog with a
number and sailing or we'll have sailing 234 as a title. Ha Ha but for
today this was our first sail completely alone. We were very pleased with
ourselves! We went out of the Magothy heading east into the shipping
channel, made a circle and came back with a light southerly wind and calm
warm weather. Three were tons of boats on the bay. It seemed everyone was
sailing. We averaged about 6 knots sometimes hitting 7.4 sometimes 4 as
the land blocked the wind but it was a wonderful day.
Earlier in the day we spent our time sorting doc
lines, finding homes to stow everything and inventorying the boat. We also
went shopping, started planning stops for our journey and cleaned up the
boat. We are having troubles starting the engine due to an apparent dead
battery but I think it's a switch issue. There is a switch on the
electrical panel which allows for starting the engine on the battery or
parallel with the engine battery and house battery. This is incase you
have a dead battery. It is defaulted to the engine battery but it does not
work unless you hold it in parallel or battery position. In the middle
position it acts like it's not getting enough amperage and clicks. I think
there is a charging issue or a switch issue but the voltage shows good.
I'm still diagnosing it. Worst case we buy a new battery. This one is a
little large and sits too wide for its tray.
Grace Sailing Magothy
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 00:17:00 GMT
Prepping for trip south
The last two days have been a blur. Here are some of
the items we are dealing with: 1. The roller furling is jamming at the
top car due to age. We have to keep it just a little loose to furl easily.
The sail had a penant at the top which allowed the car to be pulled all the
way to the stop without tightening the sail. This caused the sail to wear
and begin tearing on the luff bead/tape. We moved the penant to the bottom
so that we could control the tightness of the head sail but then you have
to losten it before furling. The dinghy is missing a plug on the transom
and is difficult to put together. The boards are hard to keep together.
We tied some line around the boards to hold them together during assembly.
Then we noticed that the repair of the front tow clew is weak so we rigged
the line to pull equally on three points: the clew and two handles. There
is no way to stow it on the deck without rolling it up so we will have to
get a different dinghy before going off shore. We purchased life vests for
offshore with jack lines to help prevent overboards. We had to attach the
spinnakar and the reacher to the deck but the chocks are unavailable so we
strapped them to the stanchions with rope. The spare anchor is strapped to
the supports by the main mast as well as the dinghy engine on the other
side. We are still sorting and inventorying everything on the boat and we
did our final clean out of the water system. I still have not solved the
charge/battery problem with the motor yet but we are going any way. The
goal is to leave in about 12 hours from now. And wouldn't you know...
the balmar generator is not working. The mount is incorrect and it
wobbles. When it wobbles the belt makes black dust everywhere and the
Generator is too loose so it doesn't charge correctly either. I'm really
not sure what is charging and what is not but we need to get out of here.
So at 4 in the morning I removed the balmar generator. Tomorrow we will
eigher leave or we will fix the mounting bracket. More in the morning.
Date: Thurs, 07 Oct 2021 02:03:00 GMT
Almost ready to leave
This morning Sam and I replaced the balmar generator
again this time with rubber bushings in the mount to hold everything tight.
It still isn't charging enough only putting out about 13.4 volts. But at
least it's not tearing up the belt. I still have not solved the starting
issue yet but if we set it to "battery" or "parallel" it starts fine. The
rest of the day was spent sorting rope and putting things away. The plan
is to leave in the morning early. The leaves are turning and the days are
shorter. We saw a fox today running across the road. He stopped and
looked at us. Of course there is a small craft advisory tomorrow with
rain. Just our luck.
Date: Thurs, 07 Oct 2021 23:10:00 GMT
And it Begins!
This morning we got up at 7am and went to make one
final run to the store. At about 9am we started getting every last minute
thing put away and prepared for our journey. We left at 12:30 after saying
our goodbys to our new found best friends. They have been the most
wonderful hosts and have helped us beyond measure. We owe them lots for
their help and letting us stay at their dock. We hope to be back up here
next year to go sailing with them. Then off to the Magothy marina for a
top off of fuel and water. Docking was a little difficult as the winds
were blowing us at a weird angle but we managed without looking too bad.
We then motored out the Magothy river beause the winds were direct head
winds and too light to sail. Then down under the Annapolis bridge and
south to a little anchorage on the Rhode river. The Rhode River Bite
anchorage is very pleasant. There were three other boats here when we
arrived. We planned some hand signals so we didn't look like we didn't
know what we were doing and made a little circle, then dropped the anchor,
pulled it tight and turned on the Generator to cook dinner. It was a
beautiful warm autumn day in the mid 70's with winds light and variable out
of the south south west. Sea was calm barometer 30.02. We experimented
with the chart plotter and autopilot a little bit making our first "route"
but it took us straight through the cargo ship anchorage so we had to
deviate. We're in good spirits and it's time for dinner, Chile Mac!
I'll post a couple pictures after dinner. Ciao.
Sam Taking a nap
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2021 02:26 GMT
Backing in and water
I woke up early at about 4am and had a difficult time
going back to sleep. It was a beautiful calm morning and I used the mop to
swab the deck with saltwater and cleaned off all the dew. At about 7am we
ate breakfast and pulled up the anchor. We were the second boat of 5 to
depart the anchorage. The wind was dead calm and we motored the entire way
to Solomons island arriving around 16:00. About half way there I had a
feeling I should check under the floor and sure enough the hot water had
blown a seal. Water spurted up the the ceiling and all over everything. I
turned off the electric water pump and cleaned up. We continued to motor.
While researching the problem Sam found that these seals typically blow at
about 4-5 years and it's irritating to folks who own them. We also
re-calibrated the knot log on the old B&G hercules 2000. It was a bit
obscure because it was from 20 years ago but we figured it out. Everyone
got a chance to steer and play with the autopilot. When we arrived we tried
to anchor 3 different times but the anchor would not set. So we took a
berth at a marina and of course they made me back in! It was my first time
and I was terrified but I tried not to show it and worked it slowly. In we
went with no trouble. I must say I love the bow thrusters!. Afterwards I
got an UBER to ace hardware and bought some pipe fittings to put in a valve
to turn off the water input. We had fried burritos and calliflower for
dinner and then went to schmoose with people. Sam went to the pool.
Tomorrow we are hosting a coupld friends for the night before heading on to
Grace Backed in for the first time
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2021 21:53 GMT
Day Sail in Solomons
We had guests last night with their two
children. They slept in the aft cabin. We stayed up till about 1 AM
talking. We also had a minor electrical problem which we fixed together.
In the morning they decided to sail with us and stay another night. So we
decided to go on a day sale in late morning. We headed out into the
Chesapeak and raced a few other boats. We beat them all with our old race
boat. Grace performed wonderfully. She is so good to weather it's amazing,
but on a reach coming home we hit over 8 knots. We put the rails in the
water several times. It was a lot of fun. We are getting the hang of it
again. Sailing is quite the thrill. Now back at anchor Hannah and our
guests went out looking for a grocery store for dinner. The plan is to
leave tomorrow for Virginia.
Date: Tues, 12 Oct 2021 01:37 GMT
Goodbye and continue south
We said our goodbye's and took our friends to the dock
in the dinghy. Then we decided to get fuel and water etc but the dock was
busy so we opted to continue... Who needs extra fuel? Anyway at about 11am
we headed out of Solomon's Island and turned south toward the Potomac river.
There was (of course) a small craft advisory and it was pretty windy and the
waves were 3-5 feet. It was a long tiring day but lots of fun. The cockpit
stayed amazingly dry though there was quite a bit of wave action on the fore
deck. We rocked quite a bit before we turned south into the following sea
when things mellowed out. The B&G display rebooted in the middle of a turn
and we lost helm for about 30 seconds. It was pretty disturbing and we
ended up broadside to the waves. We had to make a full loop before the helm
was restored. We saw a pretty cool wreck at the mouth of the Potomac and a
large cargo ship called us on the radio after seeing our AIS. We were
trying to hug the starboard side of the channel but he wanted that side and
asked to pass starboard to starboard. there were lots of birds on the water
and pelicans followed us for a while. The food/can drawer opened while
rocking and one small drawer in the V-berth also fell out. Sam and I fixed
it underway and no more problems. We think a can rolled and hit the latch
on the drawer. I was afraid we would be sick but amazingly not. The motion
of this heavy full keel is wonderful slow and easy. When we arrived at the
mouth of the river there were several people anchored right in the bay. We
decided to move up the Mill Creek and anchored in a beautiful little
protected wide spot about 2 bends up in 10 feet of water. There were 4
other boats there but plenty of room. Hannah made grilled cheese sandwitches
and soup and banana bread. We are amazed about how much fuel and water this
boat holds and the generator is wonderful.
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 01:14 GMT
Full Sails Ahead
We got up at 7 and were leaving Mill Creek for Norfolk
at 9am. On the radio another ship called us as they were leaving and asked
us if we were AYC (Annopolis Yacht Club) headed south. We motored out to
the bay and about 11am hoisted all the sails into a following sea with a small craft
advisory and 15-20 out of the North East. We ran for about 4 hours making
from 5-8.5 knots. At one point we jibed into a wing and wing but it was
difficult to maintain so after about 30 minutes we started the engines
brought in the sails. We knew that we wern't going to make Norfolk so we
headed for the Severn River off of MobJack Bay to anchor. We were passed by
a beautiful topsail schooner of about 60 feet and felt like we were in a
time machine. There were sailing boats both behind and ahead of us and we
did very well. As we were motoring in a porpoise jumped up by our starboard
side. When we got to the river to anchor it was about 1800. We made three
attempts to anchor and ran aground twice. The ground here is muddy, filled
with shellfish and very uneven. We had chicken salad sandwiches and banana bread for lunch and dinner
was baked potatoes olives and cheese with the remains of the fudge for desert.
Now with everything put to bed and the sails covered we are having tea and
preparing for bed. It was a blustery day and is raining still lightly.
Tomorrow morning we are going to get up early and find a marina for fuel and
water and a pumpout. We are all tired but in great spirits
Grace under full sail
Steve and Sam in the cockpit
Time Traveling Schooner
Date: Thurs, 14 Oct 2021 02:11 GMT
Fog and Electrical problems
We got up at 7 but there was thick fog on the Severn
river so we didn't get underway till about 0900. Sam steered out of the
river and into MobJack Bay. It's a beautiful area and we took lots of
pictures of the estates along the bay. As we exited the Bay into the larger
Chesapeak the rain and mist started and more fog rolled in. So we motored
away into the fog and rain. at about noon it cleared up and stopped
raining. We ate Candy Corn for lunch and tried to do some planning for where to get fuel and
where to anchor for the night in the vacinity of Norfolk. We decided to go
into Salt Pond marina just to the north of the entrance to Norfolk. It's a
very narrow approach but we had 9-11 feet all the way to the dock where we
met a couple in an old British coast guard vessel from the 1960's. It was
an amazing looking vessel. They are staying the winter in VA with her.
After filling up we headed on into Norfolk. There were lots of helicopters,
big ships both civilian and Naval as well as two hovercraft that looked like
they were coming into Norfolk but turned around about 3 miles out. When we
arrived at Hospital point which is mile zero of the ICW south we anchored
and the Generator cut off. We couldn't get it started again and for the
third time we couldn't start the engine without the generator running.
Something is terrible wrong. In the midst of all this a male and female pair
of mallards came to visit. It was a bright spot in what was going to be a
long evening. Hannah gave them our last heel of bread and they went on their
way to visit each of the other boats in the anchorage. AS to the electrical
issues I think it's more than just a dead battery. But we couldn't get the generator to run long enough to even start the
engine. After some diagnostics we found that it was shutting off because it
was overheating. The raw water was not clogged and as it turned out we had
to replace an impeller that ate it's self up from the inside. Luckly we had
a spare. It was a shame because this was a new impeller. After we got the
new impeller in, the generator starts and runs fine. I also found a fuse in
the battery box that goes to (I think) the balmar voltage regulator which
had blown. It is a 1 amp fuse but we didn't have a spare so we replaced it
with a 5amp fuse for the time being. (not the best idea) I did find a loose
ground on the house batteries as well and tightened it up.
At the moment we have lights and water and we hope the battery will start us
up in the AM. We need to get to NC so we can work on her in safety. Just a
few more days to hold her together. I remembered the approach to the ICW
from 20 years ago it was fun. We passed by the old fort where we anchored
with the kids 20 years ago and thought about stopping and having a look with
Sam but it was getting late so we continued on to Hospital point. Just like
before all the huge naval ships are amazing. Oh... a little catamaran with
blue flashing lights came out for a look as we were passing the Aircraft
carriers but after we passed he went back into the military area again.
All is put to bed and tomorrow will be a new day.
Date: Thurs, 14 Oct 2021 22:59 GMT
We got up and left Hospital point by 8:15. We were the
second from the last sail boat out of the Anchorage. I did a little more
diagnosis of the starting problem and I found that hte Balmar is never
charging the house batteries unless you put the momentary parallel switch
on. I'll look at it more when we get to North Carolina. We motored past
all the docks where they are working on battle ships and aircraft carriers.
It's pretty amazing. We were in a line between two Hinckley power boats and
one of them asked us if it was a Bermuda 40 and we chatted for a moment as
they passed us slowly. When we got to the Gilmerton bridge it was about
9:15 but they don't open till 9:30. We had to wait for two trains so we
didn't get through till 9:50 or so. We continued on and went under I64
which is 65 feet. We were terrified. It was low tide but it looked like we
were 2 inches below it. We were probably 5 feet below it but who knows...
we went through really slow. Later we got the locks just before the Great
Bridge and had a little confusion tieing up but got it in the end. We are
still learning. We tied up on the south side of the bridge by the Museum
where the first land battle of the Revolutionary war was fought. After
cleaning up we walked with our laundry abut .75 miles to the laundry mat and
also a grocery store. Sam and I tried hoisting O-Malley on the deck to
drain some water out after several days of rain. It worked just fine. Now we are having beans and rice and tortillas. We
will get an early start tomorrow.
The Great Bridge
Date: Friday, 15 Oct 2021 23:45 GMT
Wakes and Bridges Again!
We left at 7:15 from The Great Bridge and started
motoring. We met up with a boat, Carousel, who was in front of us. As they
approached a bridge that said 64 feet they were going really slow but it
knocked off their wind vane on a cable that was dangling a little below the
bridge where they were doing construction. They were 63ft 3in. We went
through fine but the workers lifted the line. One of them yelled down to us
that we cleared by a couple feet. We stopped and exhanged numbers and they
called the coast guard. Later in the day there was a bridge that was 65
feet but they opted to stay and a marina just short of the bridge over the
canal saying they were gun shy. Some of the wakes from power boats are
severe and some are not. It seems that faster is actually easier to deal
with than slow. The wakes are displacing less water when they are up on a
plane. I told several guys to keep their speed up and come around. Our
deep keel helps a lot but the cuts are narrow so there is not much room for
turning to cross the wake at 90 deg. Every time we go under a bridge we
come to less than 1 knot and drift under the bridge at less than a walking
pace. The weather has been great and we're getting a nice tan all of us.
After we anchored at Lutz creek I started messing with the electronics.
This is drive me nuts!!! We can't start the engine unless we start the
generator first and charge the batteries. So I removed the panel behind the
aft head mirror and started trying to figure out what is going on.
In the process of tracing everything I found that when the Marina in
Pasadena did the work on the transmission they lifted the engine to replace
an engine mount. In that process apparently they removed the ground lug on
the side of the engine. It was completely loose. So I tightened that up.
I also found the actuator lever on the throttle was loose so I tightened
that up and then I found the wires that were broken for the black water pump
were off and tightened them up as well. I left the wiring open because I
still can't figure out how the motor is ever supposed to charge the house
batteries. I can't make that work at all unless I put the starting battery
selector in parallel. Then the engine drags down and charging occurs. I
cannot keep it in that position. I think that needs to be a real switch not
a momentary one. I didn't get things buttoned up till after 22:00.
A nasty evil bridge on a beautiful day
But this makes it worth it
This Better Be Worth It...
Date: Sunday, 17 Oct 2021 01:17 GMT
Long Straight Canals
Today was pleasant with calm winds and lots of
autopilot through straight canals. We got underway at 8 AM. There were
lots of power boats. It was a beautiful slow day with lots of wonderful
scenery. Sam made Tuna Melts (grilled tuna and cheese) for lunch. When we approached the
Alligator to Pungo river cut/canal we thought about wheather or not to anchor or
continue. We decided to gamble that we could make it before dark.
It worked out ok and we arrived and anchored at 1802.
At 1900 the storm hit and winds picked up to 25 knots. We ate dinner with
the boat rocking. Then Hannah made chocolate chip cookies. Since we made it
through the canal we might make the Neuse river by tomorrow. We noticed
areas where we anchored and where we ran aground 20 years ago. It was very
interesting to see and remember. We saw two sailboats that were run
aground. One we heard first on the radio calling for help. A couple hours
later we saw Towboat US coming to get them. When we anchored we saw the same
boats from the previous anchorage or along the way, Natural Magic, and Gratitude.
Date: Monday, 18 Oct 2021 00:58 GMT
Breakfast time for birds
Today was cool with a strong north wind. We motored
from the anchorage at 07:15 and made it to the Marina by 17:00. The morning
was full of birds. It was breakfast for them I guess, there were thousands
diving and sitting on the water or circling the boat. We motored down the
Pungo river till we got to the Pamlico river and then to the sound. It was
and easy beautiful day. We took the cut through the sand bar into the mouth
of the Neuse river. Then we raised the Genny and the mizzen and sailed into
the mouth of Clubfoot creek where Matthews point marina is located. When we
tried to furl the Genny once again it stuck and it was a very frustrating 30
minutes getting it put in. I'm not sailing again till I figure out what the
problem is. I think it's the length of the pennant at the top that we need
to work on. But finally we did get it in. The Creek is a narrow shallow
channel and we drug bottom at 5 1/2 feet 3 times before
reaching the dock. Andy, Buck and Ben helped us tie up and guided us into
the slip. Everyone was wonderfully friendly. Tonight we sleep tomorrow we
look for a 50 amp reverse y connector and a new battery for the engine.
We made it!!!
Date:Tue, 19 Oct 2021 12:55 GMT
Reunited with our Truck and the work begins
We were re-united with our F250 today and after it sat for several weeks
the battery was dead but the Dockmaster had put a charger on it for us
yesterday! Wonderful Marina. So we drove into the city today to find
a battery to replace our dead one. I found a type 94 AGM that fits perfectly.
Now it's time to figure out why it's not charging. That will be tomorrow.
The day was spent today recovering and getting organized.
We will need a reverse Y connector for 2 30 amp to 1 50 amp service to get
shore power working and possibly some re-design of our wiring system.
We also need to work on the Genoa to make sure it furls correctly.
I will try to post some of the work we are doing but I don't suppose anyone
is going to get excited about replacing a battery. So more tomorrow.
Good night.
Date:Thur, 21 Oct 2021 12:55 GMT
The last few days have been spent working on the boat.
This will continue for a while. Our To-Do list is expanding by the moment.
It is a boat, you know. We've got the charging going after finding blown
fuses and the shore power cables should arrive today from Defender. Sam and
I moved the pennants on the Genoa so that we an furl and un furl it properly
but there is still work to be done. I've put together a work list on the
computer and we are attacking it one day at a time. For now it is good to
be at a safe location where we can relax for a bit and get organized. We
will be starting youtube and patreon accounts and probably a go-fund me for
the restoration project. This boat is one of only 8 produced by Hinckley and deserves
to be restored and preserved.
Date:Friday, 22 Oct 2021 02:26 GMT
Small differences matter
Today we tackled a water leak in the aft head. There
is blue PEX 3/8th inch ID coming into the back of the vacuum head. There
was a leak by the metal valve to turn off water to the head. We went to the
store to get some pex fittings and do away with the pex to hose to metal
valve to toilet mess that was there before. We found some newer pressure
pex fittings instead of the sharkbite type. It looked like it would fit the
blue pex so we assembled it all and turned on the water. It held but
started leaking by the toilet again. As it turns out the flush valve was
cracked. Luckily we had a spare on the boat (SPARES MATTER). After putting
on the spare flushing valve and re-assembling everything we still had a
leak. But this time it was by the blue pex to the valve. As it turns out
the blue pex is about 1/32 smaller in OD than the white. The pressure
fitting was not putting pressure on the pex as it would with the white 3/8th
inch pex. I think the blue is metric. In the end we wrapped the heck out
of the blue pex with teflon tape so that the pressure fitting would put
enough pressure on the blue pex to keep it from moving and to squeeze it
agains the nipple inside. So far it's holding. Now we have to replace the
spare flush valve. Nothing can just be simple.
Date:Monday, 25 Oct 2021 15:04 GMT
There Must be a better way
Today I started taking apart the forward head to get to
the vacuum switch on the expansion tank that is part of the Vacuflush head
system. The vacuum switch was not working properly so it would never switch
off after developing vacuum.
Of course this required dismanteling the drawer system and part of the
shelves in the forward head. That took a while with pieces laid out over
the v-berth and the dinette.
I started by trying to adjust the spring screw so that it would work the
switch but I ran out of adjustment. I had a new switch but the darn tank
was put in backwards so it was completely inaccessable. (just had a
dejavu..) Anyway, After full adjustment it still wouldn't shut off so I
decided to file down the pin on the switch. Almost got it but still
unreliable, so I decided to go ahead and replace it. It was not as stinky as
I thought it was going to be and it was difficult to unscrew. I don't know
why it was necessary to tighten it sooo tight. Well, I got it off and
replaced it. Now I know why it was so tight. It takes that to tighten it
up and not leak. But in tighetning it up it cracked and so now It works but it
has to re-pressurize/vacuum every hour or so. I've tried sealing the crack
but it's still leaking. I'm not sure it's the crack in the switch or a bad
duck valve. Why can't anything be easy? I'll post a few pics later. And of
course a new valve is $200....
tank mounted backwards so you can't get to it
$200 for this baby... and of course it's up against a bulkhead...
you have to put the parts somewhere
Date:Wed, 27 Oct 2021 03:26 GMT
Water Heater
Today was fix the hot water heater. The one that blew
a seal previously. The seal came in and we installed it this evening.
Even though I thought
I had turned off the water entering into the heater it turns out that water
was still leaking into it through the mixing valve that sets the temprature.
So There was pressure on the gasket so that I couldn't get it open. Then
when I finally got it loose it was spurting again and then dumped 5 gallons
into the bilge setting off the bilge pump. The bilge pump then didn't work
because it had been dry so long that it was not primed. Scared us as I
thought we were going to have to buy a new bilge pump. But thankfully it
finally primed after several minutes of convincing it. There I was head
first into the bilge arms up to my elbows in bilge water trying to get the
hose to get the pump to prime. Of course this is after dark by flashlight.
Finally back to the hot water heater I managed to coax the heating element
out of the hole, put the new seal on it and get it back together. I
tightened it down but aparently not tight enough because it started spurting
again scaring me a second time. A couple more turns on the wrench and it was
set solid. It seemed to take forever to fill but fill it did and in about
15 min we had blazing hot water. Cleaning up so Hannah would have a floor
before she got back with the laundry Sam and I got everything back together
just in time. Oh and of course there is tape on the teak deck right where
Hannah was coming in as we were caulking teak today so it was hard for her
not to step on the new caulk but thanks to Sam's idea about surrounding the
area we were working on with tape no one stepped on it. Hannah declared we
had created a cat trap but no cat. And one more thing, the fish wind sock that
we had was outside tied up waiting to be hoisted up the flag halyard but
decided to go swimming with his other fish friends so we lost the pretty
gold fish windsock. Oh well. It is a blustery evening and the boat is
rocking for bedtime.
Date:Sun, 31 Oct 2021 12:19 GMT
Wood and Steel
Yesterday we spent the day working on teak caulking and polishing Stainless
steel from door knobs to stanchions. We also tried the Various canvas
covers we brought back from Maryland. We couldn't get anything to fit.
This is going to be a process. However we have enough canvas to modify what
we need. There is a lot more stainless to polish and a lot more wood to
work on. I tried setting my first bungs as well. I did one in the deck and
3 on the port toe rail. I had a conversation with some wonderful folks in
the evening about Hinckley and hope to have a chance to meet him and ask
what he would do to upgrade/restore Grace. I have some ideas but running
them by the designer is very worth the time. I also sent out the boards
from the inside of the Dinghy to be repaired. I wish I had a table saw it
would have taken me 30 min. We'll see what he does.