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Date:Fri, 23 Sep 2022 23:36:00 GMT

Back at Mathews Point

Coming Home

     Last night the winds kicked up to 30 knots and the anchor held well on Taylor's Creek. It rocked and rolled a bit but all was fine and we slept peacefully. This morning we decided to head back to Mathew's point and get organized for our trip north. We motored back from 11:30 to 17:30 fighting a headwind and current. We only made about 4 knots average. The trip was uneventfull. Same and Hannah drove some so I didn't steer the entire way. Hannah made Chicken Salad and bread from the Beaufort bakery. For dinner we had beans and rice. Sam finished a video for some friends we met at Cape Lookout and now it's time for bed.

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