Last weekend the 5th there was a fun race and we finished last. But we
tested several points of sail. I was very glad to see that wing and wing is
very easy on this boat. We also found that even close hauled you need to
let the main out a little more than you might expect to balance the weather
The last week we have spent getting ready for the trip south. Going
through the storage unit, buying maps, planning meals, stowing things and
finding out how and where to store our cars. We have been talking to folks
about where to stop and good fuel and anchorages etc on the route south.
It looks like weather is not going to allow us to do the gel coat repair
right at the moment so we will try to do it later. The insurance company
has agreed to issue a check in advance and then perhaps we can have the work
done in the spring.
The forward vaccuum pump has been holding so it looks like we will not need
to split the line just yet but I'm saving all the parts to do it later.
We are getting closer to the launch of our youtube and patreaon sites. Sam
has been working overtime on videos. I also have tons of pictures to upload
and I know I've been remiss but I'll get them up and posted. Especially of
the races here on the river.
The wind picked up last night to around 20kts and the lines started slapping
on the mast a little bit with each gust. The lines were also creaking a
little bit as the boat pulled away from the dock in the wind. Learning each
noise the boat makes is important and also comforting.
we are looking forward to leaving the dock and starting our adventure for
this winter.
Date:Sat, 12 Nov 2022 13:51:00 GMT
Getting Ready to Sail #2
Storms on the dock
Last Night the winds peaked at 38Knots and were steady at 27-30. We were
pressed hard against the dock and Sam and I took down the awning for a
second time in 25-30 Knots of wind. We wrapped line around the sail covers
and made sure all the lines were set. There were waves breaking over the
breakwater wall at Blackbeards. We went to sleep in 30knots at about 2300.
Yesterday we ran last minute errands and spent the afternoon and early
evening at the storage unit vaccuum sealing food and organizing. We will be up there
again today. The boat is a wreck while we are finding places to put food
and supplies. You would think we were going trans-atlantic but we're only
going for a couple days at a time as we head south. It looks like the
weather will give us 10-25 Knots from our Starboard quarter the entire trip
to Charleston which is likely our first stop. But you never know... we
could go on to Brunswick or Jacksonville depending on how we feel.
Several of our friends and acquaintances have left already heading south and
we hope to meet up with them as we continue on to the Keys. We are also
considering the Bahamas as well.
The decisions about what to bring and what not to bring are sometimes
difficult because we really don't know what we will be doing for the next 6
months. Things like warm or cold weather gear, rain gear, extra rope for
projects I want to do that might be more expensive in Florida, etc. This
boat has no Bimini so it is a weat sail in the weather and even 60 deg and
wet for extended periods can be very cold.
We did find a new HH coat for My mom yesterday. I have my wet weather gear
from Alaska including pants and that is my current plan. We still need a
coat and pants for Hannah. That is on the list for tomorrow.
We will be leaving the cars here at Blackbeards and so this is our return
location at the present time for perhaps March or April. We are putting off
repairs of the Gelcoat and the new bottom paint for the Spring.
Date:Mon, 14 Nov 2022 13:49:00 GMT
Getting Ready to Sail #3
Tomorrow's the day!
We spent the day yesterday packing food and sealing food again. But we
found homes for everything and the boat is almost ready to sail. Today will
be a last day dealing with cars and last minute preparations. We had dinner
last night with friends. We had home made pizza! We have to have a place to
put our cars for the next few months. So one we are leaving with a repair
shop and the other we are leaving with the Marina. Then we spent the evening
looking at charts and discussing possible anchorages along the way. We
decided to stop at Charleston first. Then after that probably St. Marys.
Date:Tue, 15 Nov 2022 20:56:00 GMT
We're OFF!
Day 1 Adams Creek
We finally got underway about 11am and we are now at anchor in Adams Creek
at about 1530. It was a windy day with 20g25 out of the east south east
with light rain and about 58 deg. Baro is 30.0. The autopilot is on the
fritz and it appears the pump is not getting power. I'll have to check it
later. We are rafted up with our friends B, S, and K. WE had the motor the
whole way as the winds were direct headwind and we want to make our weather
window offshore.
Our first night
rafted up
Lilah stayed in the cockpit even though the spray was coming around the
dodger. She spent most of the time on Mom's lap. Sam and Mom took turns
Date:Wed, 16 Nov 2022 10:01:20 GMT
Day 1 pt 2 Adams Creek Anchorage
It's 3am and you can hear the rain and the wind howling through the
rigging. We're rocking gently on about 75 feet of Anchor chain. The rain
comes and goes in waves as well. We say we like the silence of sailing vs
motoring but there is actually a lot of sound. If you know what the
sounds are it's quite comforting. The lapping of water against the hull
or the gentle slapping of lines against the mast. I try to keep the lines
tight and away from the mast so they don't slap till the wind goes over
20knots so I can tell if I need to pay attention to the wind based upon
how the lines and howl sound. Hannah has a little Frog wind chime that we
have in the main salon and when it starts ringing we know there are waves
or a wake over about 1 1/2 feet. It doesn't ring all the time but when
it does you know it's moving a little more.
This is our first real cruise since 2001 and it brings back so many
memories. It feels good to be on the water again. We took this creek and
anchored here in 2000. That time we dragged the anchor in a storm. Today
we know better how to anchor and all is fine. I was up at this time
before trying to reset the anchor and we were worried we'd drag ashore.
When we brought Grace down from Maryland last year we saw many of the same
sights along the way as well but we knew we were going to dock and this
morning we really don't where we are going or for how long. We have
tentative plans but nothing solid. We're traveling with some good
friends who we met this spring and they want to go the Bahamas or the Keys
so we decided to come along for the ride. Of course there are lots of
people going south right now after the Hurricane including several from
Blackbeard's. We hope to meet them along the way as well. I think I'm
addicted to the freedom and excitement of not knowing what the future
will bring. It's a lot of work on a boat and if you don't enjoy
fixing things then this is not the life for you, but in the end for me
it's very worth it. After decades working for other people it's good to
be back running my own life again. Though, I might say, I'm really
working for the sea. The wind and waves ruin all plans I think. There,
the wind is quieting down again and the latest squall line is passed.
The run from Blackbeard's to Adam's creek was a little blustery. We
had 20g25 knots out of about 120 and decided to just motor as tacking back
and fourth would have made us miss our weather window for going off shore
tomorrow. It was choppy on the Neuse but we made about 5-5 1/2 knots the
entire way. We Anchored at the mouth of the Creek at about 15:30 and our
friends came and tied up next to us. The raft up went really well till
about 18:30 when a very large power boat entered the creek at about 30
knots and sent a huge wake our way. We were just finishing dinner of
baked potatoes and baked beans with some corn and freshly baked ginger
molasses cookies. Mom was teaching K a new version of Solitaire and B and
I were talking about the Mandela effect and it hit. Immediately the frog
chime went crazy and as I went up to the cockpit to see the two boats were
rocking fiercely and the masts and spreaders were nearly bumping into each
other. The bumpers did their job and no damage was done but it taught us
a lesson about not rafting up except in a no wake zone. The lifelines
nearly hooked each other and I was worried the bumpers would pop. I'm
glad we had both our sets of bumpers out! We finished dinner and cleaned
up and then un-rafted in the dark. That was the easy part. We just
untied the lines let them drift back and about 50-60 feet off our port
stern then dropped the anchor in 15 knots of wind and let it pull them
back. When we released the lines we released the bow before the spring
and so the bow fell away pushing the stern very close to us. We should
have released the spring before the bow. If we had been trying to get off
the dock in a wind we could have done the same maneuver and it would have
worked better. So that was our second scare of the night that their stern
pulpit would hit our mizzen boom. All went off however with no contact
and we sighed and went below.
I tried to contact the Tennessee phone net on the ham radio at 20:45 but
the propagation was not good enough and though I could hear stations in
the distance I wouldn't have been able to check in. There is a lot of
electronic noise from the other systems on the boat so I turned off the
freezer to use the radio, but as I just noticed, I forgot to turn it on
again so I just did now. The temperature was still below freezing but I
don't like forgetting things like that.
Tomorrow we plan on leaving about 06:30 or right after sun-up providing
the rain has stopped as we are in an open cockpit. I know I have rain
gear but the rain is supposed to stop by 0700 and there's no reason to
get wet at the start of the day for just 30min. So, we'll see when we
leave exactly. We are meeting friend for lunch in Beaufort, so we will
anchor early in Taylor Creek and dinghy in for lunch. We still plan on
going out slack tide and will spend tomorrow night off shore. According
to the forecast we should have a beam to broad reach off our starboard for
the next 2-3 days at 10-25 knots and seas less than 5 feet! It should be
a nice run to Charleston SC St. Mary's GA. I'm hoping the forecast is
correct because our auto pilot didn't want to work yesterday. We were
doing some work near it a couple days ago getting ready to leave and we
might have broken a wire so the hydraulic pump is not turning on. This
will save us power if we have to sail the entire way on the wheel but
I'm hoping to fix it underway tomorrow. As we are motoring down Adams
Creek for a few hours I'll empty the starboard lazerette and check the
wires. I'm not going to do much more because I don't want to possibly
mess up the hydraulic steering. It was working fine a couple weeks back
so I'm hoping the motor didn't choose now to die and we can just re-attach
a wire. People are going to wonder what is up as we motor by with
everything tossed in the cockpit and Sam and I headfirst in the lazerette
with our feet in the air.
Date:Sun, 20 Nov 2022 19:01:00 GMT
Arrived Charleston
First stopover heading south
We are at anchor in Charleston Harbor. How was the journey?
So we left from Beaufort NC in the late afternoon on Wednesday the 16th.
Winds were barely 5 knots as we motored out to sea. I was worried we
wouldn't even be able to sail. Then when we got out about 3-4 miles the
wind picked up and we started sailing south. The sunset leaving Beaufort
was amazing but cold. Even before the sun was completely below the horizon
you could already see stars in the eastern sky. We were on a broad reach
all night with calm water. Just off out of sight of land with a gentle glow
on the north western horizon it was silent and dark with only the light
movement of water along the hull. We were making about 4 knots with 8-10
knots of wind. All through the night we traded positions with our friends
who were sailing with us. I could hit 6-7 knots if I turned 15 deg to
starboard but that heading would take us directly to Frying Pan Shoals so I
couldn't hold it for long. The best course was to accept the 4 knots and be
clear the shoals. In the early hours of the morning the winds started
picking up and the waves increased. Sam and Hannah both took shifts at the
wheel as our autopilot wasn't working. Sometime in the last couple weeks it
decided to stop and I didn't know until we left for Beaufort. I was a long
night. It's nights like these that make sailing such an amazing life/sport.
There's a silence off shore that is difficult to explane unles you
experience it. It's one of the things I was hoping to find on our return to
sailing. Sure enough it was there once we were far enough off shore.
In the morning the wind picked up to 20g30 and the swells were up at 8-10
feet with waves 3-5 feet and breaking. There were large rollers that came
in at about 15 feet when they stacked up. It was rough and cold. when the
wind was still climbing around 18-20knots I noticed the sail was not flying
right and the shackle at the foot of the sail was gone. So I got Sam up on
deck and we reefed the main. Then I reefed in the Genoa as well. It was
good because the wind continued to climb. Our friends saw several peak
gusts at 38knots. I was very pleased at how well the boat was doing. It
was not as wet as I thought it would be and with the cold wind wet would
have been really miserable. Spray? yes, but no crashing waves. Sam and I
took turns at the wheel and then really close to Frying Pan when we were
changing positions the boat rolled fairly unexpectedly and a wave hit us on
the starboard stern quarter and pushed me head first into the forward main
winch on the port side. I tried to grab the dodger but it came out of my
hand wrenching my elbow. As I went down my middle finger slammed into the
cockpit combing and I hit my face on the winch cracking a piece off my front
tooth. But picking my self up I must admit it could have been worse. I
think I cracked the bone on my finger as it swelled up something purple on
the inside of my hand even though I hit it on the back. But feeling rather
embarrased at not holding on I went below for a nap. The sea is both
beautiful and terrifying and should alwasy be respected. Posiden took his
toll that day as my stocking cap that Hannah made me from baby alpaca yarn
whet into the water as I hit my face on the winch. I guess he wanted my
The boat did very well and even without stressing the rigging and reefed we
were doing 7-8 knots though the day and hit a peak of 9.6. It was a very
tiring day. As we rounded the shoals I cut in toward land to let the shoals
block the following seas and sure enough it did. The wind was strong but
the swells were only 4-5 feet, still with whitecaps but nothing like
before. It had been a tiring two days so we decided to put in at Georgetown
so we changed our course inland. However after discussion later that
afternoon with the seas calmer we decided to continue on through the night
to Charleston.
As we approached Charleston the winds were not cooperating. They were
slaking and moving more north making tacking difficult and time consuming.
Our friends made it to the Harbor before the wind died but we didn't. It
died while on a starboard tack making 2 knots... So then came the choice,
start the motor and go into Charleston at 10pm against the tide or just stay
another night offshore. We opted to heave to near the cargo ship anchorage
offshore and get some sleep. In the preceding 3 days none of
us had more than about 10 hours sleep so we were ready for a nap.
After his watch at about 3 am Sat morning Sam woke me up as the winds had
freshened and changed direction. We had drifted quite a ways during the
night. So we adjusted the sails and started
heading into Charleston at about 4 knots on a beam reach in 7-10 knots of
wind. It was a nice easy sail and at about 9am we were racing Calista, a
Bayfield 36 into the harbor at about 6 knots. We chatted and exchanged
contact information on 17. I called them to say good morning because they
also had red sails. "The cutter with red sails following our red sails good
morning!" After we chatted for a bit I saw him raise the inner jib/cutter
behind his Genoa and I knew it was on so I let out the reefs in our sails
and we raced side by side most of the way into the marked channel. We
turned on the motor and waited till we were in the mouth of the Ashley river
to drop the main sail. Turning into the anchorage south abeam the Battery
we set anchor in 18 feet of water and had dinner with our friends on their
Date:Mon, 21 Nov 2022 23:21:00 GMT
Arrived St Mary's GA
Cruising at Last!
We left Charleston at 9am and headed out into the ocean.
getting ready to
leave charleston
The breakers were really rough just off shore and it took us a while to get
our sails set. Wind was 15g20 and seas were 6-8 feet. After several
failed attempts and turning around in circles a couple times we got
everything set and headed south. It remained rough and windy the
entire journey into Saint Mary's Georgia. Winds were difficult as we
were running with direct downwinds the entire time. I tried to get wing and wing
going to no avail as the seas were too rough, and the topping lift for the
pole broke. So that meant several long
tacks with broad reaches pinching as close to direct downwind as I dared.
We tried to stay close to the coast to keep the wind and waves to a managable
level as we were already tired from the trip to Charleston. After repeated
crash jibes and miserable attempt to make a jibe preventor I decided to sail
all night. Oh... did I mention the steering is still not functioning
correctly... Then on one trip to the fore deck I found the outboard motor
loose on it's block. Just a few more minutes and it would have been rolling
around the deck damaging stuff!!! I guess we forget to tighten it down, or
perhaps the continual rocking, waves, pounding loosened it. I'll have to
add that to my pre-sail checklist!
A bit on Jib preventers:If you put them too close to the mast then it's an
awful lot of stress on everything especially with over 600sq feet of sail.
Not to mention the boom it's self, but if you move them too far back the
stretch in the rope is enough that they just pull through and fold to the
other side anyway. We chose about 2/3 down the boom and tied to the midship
cleat. It worked but during an unintended jibe we nearly broke the rope and
I was afraid we were going to pull off the deck cleat. They are designed
for sideways movement not upwards. So we moved the line to a midship
fitting for jib sheets. That didn't work as well because the line was too
vertical and didn't keep it from moving. Still, it did prevent a crash
jibe. I think the horse with a boom brake is probably better but I wouldn't
want to to have to cross the lines all the time.
I have decided I like night sailing. You can feel the boat better when not
distracted by what you can see. I could almost sail with my eyes closed
just listening to the sound of the sails and feeling the boat's movements.
The nights are beautiful and lonely but then I like being alone and the stars
are simply amazing.
In the morning we were on our final leg to St. Marys and suddenly our friends
boat dropped off AIS and I realized I couldn't see their sails.
They had been within 2 miles. I decided to turn on the autopilot and of course
I couldn't turn past -8 AGAIN. We started making calls on the radio and
no one had seen them even the other two boats that were also near by.
All we knew was a short radio call saying they had lost all power.
So we called the coast guard to report a ship in distress and started
searching for them. Finally we did find them when we got close enough to
land to get a cell text message through. And we followed them into St. Marys.
Getting the main down in these conditions is miserable and took us nearly
30 minutes. The lines always tangle around the front of the mast with the
steaming light. The topping lift was tangled in the lazy jacks and the
spare halyard. Trying to untangle that mess with waves crashing over the
deck and the boat pitching 15-20 deg in every direction is not easy. And need
I remind you I can't turn port? ugh...
The sea should always be respected. We are very careful with jacklines and life vests as overboard in those
conditions would be very dangerous. I can't imagine doing things like
this without the big deck we have.
We keep the lazy jacks tight along the boom when we stow the sails and then
deploy them as we drop the sails. That way they don't get tangled in the
battons when you hoist the sail. But with everything flopping around
in the wind and waves I think the tangle and effort to deploy them is
worse than haveing a batton caught.
As we arrived in St. Marys inlet it was cold rainy and miserable with
breakers on the beam all the way down the entrance. It took us an hour
just get in. We motored to town and anchored in front of the town docks
with all the other cruisers and since our friends still don't have proper
power they are coming over for dinner and hot water if they want.
There were several cool boats there but our favorite was a
wooden 38ish foot double ender ketch with a hard dinghy. Amazing boat.
We will be staying here for Thanksgiving and to make repairs to my steering
and their electric. Oh and Hannah's new pump siphoned all the water back
into the main tanks... We will have to re-design the drinking water system.
Date:Wed, 23 Nov 2022 22:54:00 GMT
St Mary's GA
Lunch Icecream and Fudge!
Today we slept in. Every muscle in my body hurts. I feel like I am
recovering from a car crash. Eventually we got up, washed up, washed our
hair and decided to go into town. But we are moving slow.
Our dingy lift is working great. We added a sling/harness to the motor so
we can lift it into the boat without worrying about dropping it overboard.
We met our buddy boat at the dock and went to lunch at the Greek resturant
right off the water. It's called "The Riverside Cafe"
It's a marvelous little place and the food was excellent!
I would recommend it to anyone anchoring here. The town is
small and a couple of the shops are going out of business. (which is sad)
due to flooding from storm surge repeatedly. There's lots of nice stuff for
gifts to send home. There is home made fudge and icecream here as well at
the "Market on the Square". The town is friendly to boaters and the
waterfront park is beautiful. There is a bait shop with bathrooms right off
the dinghy dock which is free and trash cans right by the dock.
There are hanging swinging benches and a playground for kids. We are
staying for the Boater's Thanksgiving at the hotel here tomorrow.
The marina mentioned in the
guide books is gone, washed away in the hurricane. But some of the broken
pilings are still there. So where you see a marina on the charts don't
anchor there because at low tide you'll be sitting on broken log pilings
punching holes in your boat. The river has a swift current and of course
there are winds going against or sidewise to the current so give your self
plenty of room from other boats. The anchorage is big with room for 20
boats or more. It was pretty full when we got here. The depths range from
8-25 feet and it holds well but make sure your anchor likes to be turned
around because the current shifts.
I'm going to bed early tonight and Hannah is making a custard pie and
stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I think we're going to work on
the steering perhaps Saturday or Sunday.
Date:Thur, 24 Nov 2022 23:12:00 GMT
St Mary's GA
Cruiser's Thanksgiving
our Dinghy lift
leaving to help set up
At 0800 Sam and I left in the dinghy to help set up tables and get coffee at the hotel, but when
we got there it was already done and they said they didn't need us. So we
hung out at the dock for a bit talking with one of the other men. Then we
went back to the boat to wait for lunch time when we were suppose to arrive.
Custard Pie made
in our amazing 50 year old ovenHomemade
Bread Squares for Stuffing
Hannah finished the pie and stuffing made from home made bread and our own
canned turkey from 2 years ago and we left for dinner at noon. We met
wonderful folks and dinner started at 13:30 ish. The array of food was
amazing and there were probably nearly 100 people there some people drove
from Brunswick or farther. When we got back after dinner in the rain we all
slept. My hands and feet are still tired from so much standing at the wheel
over the last few days and I need to recover!
Date:Sat, 26 Nov 2022 00:12:00 GMT
St Mary's Ga 2
Today was an easy day. We went to Seagles for a breakfast pancake buffett
for the cruisers. Then with the help of some WONDERFUL locals from the yacht
club we got a ride to do wash and shopping. While Hannah was doing that Sam
and I took apart the port lazerette and found the steering problem and fixed
it. Some of the led ballast had slipped into the way of the steering ram.
All we needed to do was move the ballast around so it won't happen again. I
also helped our friends fix their solar panels which had fallen down in the
waves. Then we went to get fuel with the same wonderful folks and went to
dinner at Riverwalk Cafe/Bar and had a great meal. I would highly recommend
both Seagles and Riverwalk. The food was great the service friendly and the
atmosphere relaxing and fun. So it was a relaxing day... ;) Now it's time
for bed. Oh... I also met a seriouis sailor, Phillip on s/v Ness. We had a
pleasant conversation about our journey's and hope to meet up with him
again as we head south.
Date:Sat, 26 Nov 2022 04:48:05 GMT
Putting Things Away
It's 23:30 and we're still up inventorying and putting groceries away. We
also did laundry so there are clothes hanging all over the cabin. We
would put them out on the lifelines, but it's wet and foggy out. Tomorrow
we are going to test a voltage converter (DC-DC buck-boost) to keep a
steady 14 volts to the radios even when the house batteries start to drop
after heavy usage.
Date:Sun, 27 Nov 2022 23:02:00 GMT
Fernandina Beach FL
Nice walk and getting ready to head south again.
We left St. Mary's and motored over To Cumberland Island in hopes to walk
around the island but found the docks closed due to damage. We considered
pulling the dinghy's up on the beach but ran aground before reaching the
beach and didn't want to wade through the water to haul the dinghy to shore
for 5 yards so we opted to skip it and go on to Fernandina. We motored over
and anchored just off the main part of town and dinghy'd into see the town.
When we arrived this was sitting next to us so we had to go for a visit!
La Trinidad a Spanish
Of course we found fudge, ice cream sandwiches, and a wonderful dinner at
the Salty Pelican. We checked out the Oldest bar in Florida and generally
enjoyed the town for the day.
Date:Mon, 28 Nov 2022 21:32:00 GMT
Fernandina Beach FL 2
Baking Bread!
Today we relaxed for the day and Hannah made fresh sour dough bread for the
next leg of our journey south. We re-organized the boat a little bit and
planned the trip on windy. I am able to get internet from the Salty
Pelican from the anchorage! It looks like it's going to be pretty calm
winds, I'm not sure if we're going to be able to sail much. But it's
supposed to get cold here the day after tomorrow so we need to get farther
Date:Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:21:00 GMT
Motoring to St. Augustine
Calm winds and glassy seas.
When we went to leave at 0700 the anchor wouldn't come up. We tugged and
pulled and eventually hauled up what looked like an old wooden mast. The
chain was wrapped around it 3 times. We finally managed to free it after
about 20 minutes of working with it. Upon checking the charts there were
several old wrecks noted on the charts! I guess we were lucky not to get
completely stuck. It pays to read the fine print!
After we got the anchor free we headed out the inlet under power in calm
winds. Normally we would have just sailed slowly but we opted (since we
were trying to get south before it cooled down on Wednesday, to motorsail. We
had about 5 knots of wind off the beam so it was enough to keep the sails
full and give us another knot of speed, perhaps saving a little fuel. It
was an uneventful sail and a comfortable ride at about 6-7 knots all the way
to St. Augustine. The trip was about 8 hours total including freeing the
We we arrived we opted to get fuel and water from the Municiple Marine on
the south side of the bridge. The bridge is on demand on channel 9. We
docked easily and put on fuel and water. The problem came on leaving the
dock. We were being pushed down the dock toward other boats backwards by
the current and the wind was pushing us against the dock. After 2 failed
attempts one of the other boaters who had brought their dinghy over from a
mooring ball helped us pull Grace forward to the far end of the face dock
to give us more room. Then I hit the bow thruster to push us off the dock
and we gently pulled forward at an angle leaving the dock behind. The
entire maneuver took us about 15 minutes. One of the problems we have is
that the bow thruster takes a lot of electrical power and we can't always
charge it up fast enough with the motor so we have a limited number of
attempts before we have to recharge the battery. It means we have to get it
right the 1st time or we have to be very judicious about it's use. It's
terrible to need it and have it just poop out and quit! That didn't happen
this time, thank heavens, but I was afraid it would because I used it alot.
Anyway, after leaving the dock in the dark, we called the bridge and waited.
The current was pushing us toward the bridge and I opted to make a circle to
hold position but there was one of the party/tour boats that was barreling
along from our port stern quarter out of sight. When I made a starboard
turn all of a suden I was looking at this power boat bearing down on me
broadside and we both put it in reverse. Then he started complaining about
me on channel 9! I was a bit upset so I defended my self. I think he
didn't see my lights and was thinking he owned the road. Not to mention he
had all his party lights on and probably didn't see me at all. Just one
little sail boat with one white light from the stern against his lit up
Christmas light display.
We went back under the bridge and anchored on the east side of the channel
just north of the bridge in 18 feet of water. ST. Augustine is beautiful
when all lit up at night!
Date:Wed, 30 Nov 2022 23:55:00 GMT
Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor
Generator Problems
This morning we got up and went to turn the Generator on and it would only
click!. UGH. After about 30 minutes of trying to figure it out we opted to have
someone else look at it. We called around and Camachee Cove said they could
take us and have someone look at it tomorrow. So we motored over there and went in slip
M15. They were very accomodating and nice. It's a wonderful facility.
The depth was a little low for us so it was a high tide maneuver but all
went well and we got into the tight slip without a hitch or a bump. I can't
say enough good ab out them. helpful, reasonable, accomodating, and they
are dredging out the marina so that depth will typically be 8 feet or more
through out the marina. There is a chandlery on sight, a small boat yard, a resturant
or two and a pool. Someone came out to look at our Generator in less than
24 hours and a diver cleaned and checked our bottom the next day. Amazing!