Today was our second day going in to explore the old town. There was a
parade this morning for Christmas and of course that was lots of fun!. We
had breakfast at "Peace Love and Donuts" and watched the parade. Then we
spent the day walking the town. We had lunch at "The Irish pub" and then
icecream at two or three different shops on St. George street. In the
evening we listened to a wonderful young singer named Lucy. It was just her
and her guitar and we sat and listened for her entire show. While we were
there we went to see the
"Old City Hammocks"
shop at #4 St. George St.
Jeanette is the most wonderful woman and runs a great little shop. She was
so kind to our friends and their daughter on Moral Compass. I can't say enough
good about their experience at the shop or about their product. Get a
hammock there if you come here or at least drop by and say hello from us!
We came back in the dark and after a long day it's time for bed. I'll try
and post some pictures of our day soon
Hannah in her
new Hammock!Date:Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:40:00 GMT
St. Augustine 2
Moving Anchor
Nothing goes as expected. We got up this morning and after a week our
anchor had moved a little closer to one of the other boats than we would
like so Sam and I went up to move it. When we pulled up the anchor I put it
into gear and heard the loudest clattering I've ever heard the boat do. I
immediately told sam to drop the anchor again and we stopped where we were
and went below to find out what had happened. Upon looking at the drive
shaft we had completely seperated the two halves of the shaft and the
carrier barring was loose as well. We will have a youtube video of our
repair up soon. But it took till about noon to re-attach and re-align the
drive shaft so that we could re-anchor. I'm glad we caught it today and not
when we were ready to leave for Cape Caneveral. The nuts and bolts were in
the bilge and our grabber claw went overboard a couple months ago so we had
to use Hannah's Salad tongs to reach the hardware. I don't know how they
came loose but I must assume vibration. We torqued them to 40 foot pounds
this time. One of the nuts/bolts of the carrier bearing is loose and is
spinning so this fix is not permanant. We will have to keep a good eye on
it and that will be something to fix in the yard next time we are doing
serious maintenance. This is not how we wanted to spend the morning.
Date:Wed, 14 Dec 2022 00:03:00 GMT
Ft. Pierce
Continuing south
We arrived this morning in Ft. Pierce, Anchored around ICW mile 965 and
cleaned up after 2 nights off shore.
We left St. Augustine at about 1300 on Sunday the 11th. Hannah made chili
mac and we ate as we were leaving the anchorage. The tide was going
out so it was easy to get out of the inlet but the wind was blowing from the
east stacking the waves up 5-6 feet or perhaps a little more. Lilah tried
to jump out of the boat but we locked her in the V berth. She was not happy
and threw up. Poor cat... After we got away from the coast the swells were
5-6 feet out of the east at about 12-15 sec. We ran jib and jigger all the
next day and night and made a steady 4-5 knots. The wind was from the NE at 10
and we were on a broad reach all the way till just past Cape Canaveral. It
was really rolly. We put down the centerboard and it helped a lot. The next
morning Hannah made egg burritos for breakfast. For dinner we tried one of
our Wise packages of Stroganoff.
The trip was uneventful and on Monday evening we were passing the Cape at
sunset. It was really beautiful and we could see the launch facilities from
miles off shore. They are so big!. As we rounded the cape the winds picked
up to 15 and the seas grew to 6-8 feet. We ducked in west a little and the
waves were much more pleasant. We continued south to Ft. Pierce and at
about 20:30 there was a little gust front from a little storm that picked us
up to 7.5 knots and the wind was 25+. Sam and I took down the mizzen sail
and reefed the Genoa to 50% and we were still making 5-6 knots. As it
turned out the storm was just a little thing and it passed in about 30
minutes with just a little rain. On the other side the wind shifted east to
a beam reach for the rest of the trip to Ft. Pierce. Sam took 8pm to
midnight and a couple more to 2am and I went from 2 am till we anchored.
At sunrise I put up the full Genoa and a storm started forming just north of
us moving south. It blew it's self out about 10 miles north of us but there
was another forming just beyond it. We raced it into the inlet.
As we came into the inlet the tide was slack and we sailed right up to the
jetty's before starting the engine as the winds died on shore. We anchored
near mile 965 of the ICW and about 30 minutes later the rain hit from the
Thundershower. It rained hard for about an hour. Hannah, Sam, and I all
got into our swimsuits and showered on the deck in the rain. People on the
ICW in their rainsuits passing us probably thought we were crazy out there
in the cool rain but it felt good after 2 nights off shore.
All cleaned up we got the boat re-organized and I took a nap. At about 1600
I woke up and we made a youtube video talking about our journey which will
be posted soon and one of us repairing the switch/lock for the pump out. I
tried to pump out well off shore but the switch was not working.
I'm still worried about the vibration of the drive shaft. It is not aligned
correctly and it is not as smooth as it used to be. I'll address it
tomorrow. For now we made calls, updated this blog and done with dinner.
Hannah made fresh soup with potatoes, carrots and lintel's and beans and we
ate that with left over honey orange carrots and home made bread.
Now it's time for bed and it's raining lightly. There was an amazing full double
rainbow from ground to ground as you looked east just before sunset. The
anchorage is quiet with only 2 other boats here and a derelict/wreck left
over from the hurricane a couple months back. The Marina is still basically
closed for repairs.
Date:Thu, 15 Dec 2022 01:20:00 GMT
Ft. Pierce 2
Walking the town
Today we got the dinghy down and at about 11am we headed for town about 1.5
miles south along the ICW. We started out at the Manatee obversation center
where we did actually see 1 Manatee and learned a lot about the ecology of
this area and why Manatee's are endangered. Then we went with our friends
from Moral Compass to eat lunch at the 2nd Street Bistro. Great food! and
reasonable prices for a lot to eat. We sat outside and had a wonderful
Sam's Dinner
There were christmas lights on the waterfront and a community market where
Hannah picked up fresh eggs, potatoes, carrots and tumeric. We're going to
eat good tomorrow! Then we went for ice cream at "Uncle Carlos Patisserie and Gelatto" and
listened to Cuban music.
Music and Ice Cream
Afterwards we had a long dark dinghy ride home to the boat. After the
anchor dragging last night we were a bit paranoid but she was right where we left her!
Date:Sat, 17 Dec 2022 02:26:00 GMT
Palm Beach
Arrived Palm Beach
This morning we left Ft. Pierce at 5am local and arrived at Palm Beach at
16:30. It was dark as we pulled up anchor and started navigating the lights
to the inlet. Coming from the north on the ICW the reds and greens are
backwards. It's red on the right leaving. Once in the turning basin we
headed for the inlet. Hannah was on the bow keeping an eye on the bouys
helping me find them in the dark. As we neared the Jetty's there is a
double flashing green on our port side that was NOT a channel marker but it
was very confusing and very shallow, you don't want to pass it on the wrong
side. The tide was going out and the wind was from the north so the inlet
was calm. After we got out about 2 miles or so we turned south about 165
and unfurrled the Genoa and the raised the mizzen. We did about 4 1/2 knots
and ate breakfast till sunrise when I hoisted the main and we went wing and wing the rest of
the way. The wind was steady from our stern and with 15 knots of wind we
were going 5.5-6.5 knots.
Wing and Wing
It was weird being so close to land and as we made
it closer to Palm Beach we got closer and closer to land finally being only
about 1/2 mile off shore. We could see people surf parasailing and wave
running. about 5 miles from the inlet a storm started brewing just like
windy predicted, and we used the opportunity to reef the main just in case.
It blew it's self out pretty quick but we didn't bother to un-reef it.
Near the inlet we were followed by a whole bunch of dolphins including many
babys. They were swimming together, jumping, and racing the boat all the
way the last few miles. They were really cool!
As we came into the inlet with the sails put away under power it started
raining lightly and we anchored just inside the inlet on the south west
anchorage in the rain in 10 feet of water. The lights of Palm Beach are
pretty at night.
We had dinner with our friends from Moral Compass and now it's time for bed.
We got lots of good video which we are working on for the youtube channel.
Nite nite.
Date:Sat, 17 Dec 2022 23:02:00 GMT
Palm Beach 2
The Search for Food
Today was a lazy day but in the afternoon we went looking for dinghy docks
and food or other supplies. After much online research and forum reading
and waterway guide and charts we couldn't find much of anything. There is a
dinghy beach by the north bridge but it's in a high crime area, There is 1
marina that will let you tie up for $16 for 3 hours to get supplies. There
is a public dock by downtown West Palm Beach and that is about it. The
anchorage is very crowded but nice with good depths and holding. There is
plenty of room but everything is very far away. This is not a neighborhood
that is kindly to cruising. I'm not sure how you could stay here for long
without staying at a marina. There is a Yacht club where you can join to
get access to a dinghy dock or laundry and showers, however we have not been
able to make that happen yet. Contact them well in advance. We are trying
to get reciprical privledges from our membership in Blackbeards.
We did dinghy the 3 miles to the town dock where there are resturants and
bars but it's a pretty long walk to a grocery store from there. You can
anchor infront of the town docks after passing through a draw bridge south
of the inlet.
On our way back we met the folks (AJ and his wife) on sv Happy Place and
Sailing Oblio (Eric) They are also on their way to the Keys in their
2000 Caliber 47 center cockpit! An amazingly beautiful boat!
We hope to see them again soon. They had just arrived just 30 min before we
got there. Eric had lost his dinghy.
Date:Tue, 20 Dec 2022 22:42:00 GMT
Where have all the sailboats gone?
We left Palm Beach on a run at 16:30 Dec 18th in 3-5 foot seas and stayed 1/2 mile
off shore. Every time we strayed more than a mile the water temp increased
1-2 degrees and the swells grew and the period shortened. Each time we lost
about a knot by being out there. In the early evening we were making over 6
knots wing and wing but as the night wore on the wind went down from 20Knots
to 10 and we could barely keep 4 knots. That also made the swells more
uncomfortable. We were on our way to Marathon and as we approached Miami I
checked We were slated to arrive with over 12 hours to spare
before the thunderstorms hit Marathon, but the forcast shifted to earlier
and as well we were no longer able to keep 5 knots or more. I decided that
if we were leaving Miami at that time for Marathon with only a 6 hour
window for a 22 hour run that I wouldn't risk it. So we pulled into Miami
at sunrise. There were three HUGE cruise ships on there way in to the
Goverment Cut as well as us.
We snuck in between 1 and 2 with 3 about 5
miles out yet. The second one caught up to us and the pilot boat came by to
make sure we knew to stay well to the southern (red) side of the channel.
As the huge ship went by we waved at the people on deck and amazingly there
was absolutely no wake. Even their life boats seem bigger than us.
Massive Boat
Passing us
After it passed we took fisherman's cut as Government Cut has a restricted
security zone when cruise ships are in port. Moral compas peeled off to
anchor just off fisherman's island and we continued on to explore an
anchorage recommended to us on the Maritime SSB net the night before. We
headed straight through the port of Miami right into the ICW where we turned
north went under 2 bridges and then headed directly to Miami Beach. There
is an anchorage just south of Belle island that gives you pretty good access
to dinghy ashore to resupply at Publix or Trader Joes and a Marina less than
a mile away for fuel and pump out etc. We anchored there and are still
there now.
Date:Tue, 23 Dec 2022 10:20:00 GMT
Miami Beach 2
South Beach anchorage
There is an anchorage right by Belle island to the south. It's a very
protected anchorage. There is an anchorage to the north as well but it is
more crowded. If you head north under the Ventian causway by dinghy there
is a town dock near the Police dock and you can get water there as well as
tie up for 20 minutes. To the south about 1 mile is the Miami Beach Marina
where you can get fuel and water. You can also tie up there for the day for
about $80/day. It's a beautiful marina, well protected and full of the most
amazing super yachts. Just south of the bridge there is a canal you can
travel up under bridges for about 1/2 mile and tie up across from the
publix. But the water is pretty discusting. Not like the clear anchorage.
Still, all services are available. Any store you want, and a laundrymat, a
gas station and a multitude of resturants. Hey, it's South Beach and if
it's not here it's not important.
When Hannah and Sam were ready to be picked up from the laundromat I
couldn't find my wallet!!! I'm not sure what happened but It's not anywhere
so I'm going to have to cancel all my cards and order a new drivers license
etc... oh Bother! I'll probably find it right after I've canceled
everything. I'm afraid it was left on a dock or fell out in the water. Who
Date:Tue, 25 Dec 2022 15:20:00 GMT
Coconut Grove
Found the Sailboats!
Yesterday the 24th we left the anchorage at Miami Beach and motored down the icw for
about 2 hours to Coconut Grove. We left at about 13:30 and arrived here
about 15:00 and motored around investigating the area finally dropping
anchor near our friends on Moral Compass at about 16:30. It was a cold sail
with the high for the day only about 55 and cloudy with a strong north west
wind. The trip was uneventful.
This morning I got on the single side band radio and checked into the
Waterway net as well as Cruisheimers. They have nets every morning around
7:45 to 08:30 and we keep track of eachother locations and any news or
information pertinant to our travels. There are many people who don't think
SSB is important any more but I disagree.
As well, this morning, I was up sending pictures and happy holidays to
family, and everyone on our phone list.
We have been tracking a saltwater leak for the last few days and this
morning I think I found it. There was water appearing on top of the grey
water tank that is salt water. with saltwater entering the boat I always
have nightmares about through hulls failing but after digging through the
floorboards for a bit I found a leak on the stuffing box at the forward end
of the swing keel/centerboard. So I got out the big pipe wrench and
tightened up the stuffing box a little bit. Then we pumped out the water and
hopefully there won't be more water there tomorrow. It was dripping about
once per second.
Hannah is making pancakes and the boat smells wonderful. It's good to run
the stove on a cold morning as we don't have a reverse cycle heater/air
conditioner. It's raining outside so I think Brad and Stacey will be over
to cook Christmas Dinner. So it will likely be a busy day.
Date:Tue, 26 Dec 2022 16:51:00 GMT
Holiday Party
Time with Friends!
So Yesterday evening we spent with friends on the boat. We had Turkey and
sweet potatoes, Latkes, Foccaccia bread, Jerusalem Kugle, and the most
amazing home made key lime pie. Then we spent the evening playing games and
chatting till about 10pm. It was cold outside, dropping to 47 deg and windy
with light rain. This morning is a lazy day just hanging out and staying
warm. We had a nice breakfast of latkes and eggs and home made bread toast.
and now we're talking about going into town to run a few errands. Some
folks we met in Palm Beach arrived last night at no name harbor about 5
miles across the bay from us and we hope to see them later as well. They
are in sv "Happy Place".
Date:Fri, 30 Dec 2022 23:46:00 GMT
Family Arrives!
Melodi and Paul are here!
Today our daughter Melodi and Paul came to visit us! We were so glad they
could make it. We went out to Peacock Garden and had a wonderful time. The
food was excelent and the atmosphere with family there was amazing. It had
been 7 months since we had seen her so this was a real treat!
Peacock Gardens!