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Date:Tue, 9 Sep 2022 01:54:22 GMT

Good Friends

Good Friends and Good Food

     Today we had friends up from Myrtle Beach to hang with us for the day and we ate fruit, chips, pasta salad, tea and lemonade. First thing in the morning our fan shorted out with a puff of smoke. Then after we purchased a new one it went up in smoke too... so I checked the voltage. We had 118v from hot to ground but between the hots we had nothing to speak of. Something was out of phase. I thought that if one leg was not connected of the twin 30 amp circuits that no electricity was flowing but aparently we only had one leg. That means that everything AC oriented was pulling too many amps at low voltage and popping. So after plugging in both plugs everything was fine. UGH...
     Today we had friends up from Myrtle Beach to hang with us for the day and we ate fruit, chips, pasta salad, tea and lemonade. At the end of the day Brad and I decided to work on the standing rigging and tune it up a little bit. We had a couple lines that were rather loose and so we tightened everything up till it was consistent. When we went sailing a few days ago the lewward shrouds were pretty floppy so we first equalized the shrouds, then we added 2 turns to each one. We will see how it looks when we sail next time.
     This evening we checked in on the Tennessee phone net. Propogation was fantastic. Then I went around looking for blown wall warts. Thank heavens our battery charger was ok.

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