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Date:Tue, 8 Sep 2022 12:38:00 GMT

Clean up

Getting organized

     Well this morning the Fan died... Cheap crap. It was a 120v fan from Lowes. anyway.
     We checked in on the Tennessee phone net 3.980 at 5:45 central this morning. We talked to Harrel and the signal was great. I've tried to check in on the normal morning and evening nets but the propogation is poor. Mornings, however are great.
     Yesterday we spent the day cleaning up and stowing food for our first shake down cruise. Amazingly we got everything stowed in lockers except a few cans that we are still need a home. Boats are majic. While putting away the pans under the stove we found about 3 cubic feet of space next the hull under the stove behind the pans! We also found about 12 cubic feet behind the dinette under a drawer. We cleaned up and re-organized the nav station drawers and hauled the last garbage out from our stay at the boat yard. We organized rope and bosun's kit as well as whipping lines and putting away safety gear. Sam cleaned and oiled the cockpit teak. It was a busy day and today we are having friends over so we need to get going early.
     When organizing a boat it takes longer than it seems because you need time to think about where things go. I know it seems easy but it is not. If you don't take your time and go slow you have an incredible mess. Everything needs to be labeled and logged. You'd think it would be hard to loose anything in such a small place but there are so many cubby holes and places to stuff things that if you don't do this you'll never find it again. We have a list of everything on the boat and where it is and before you add or replace anything you check the list. At a certain point if something comes on the boat something else must go off the boat. It's not just a tetris game, it also has to be logical. And the things you need most often need to be accessable easily. It takes disipline to always put things back in their home and to check them off the list when they are used so they can e replaced and put back in the same place. Also everything get's wet. So no cardboard on the boat, No wrapping stuff in padding that will mold or rot. No packing things so tightly that there is no air flow and you might as well buy stock now in ziploc bags. When putting things in open wells you need to be able to distinguish one item from another and so even after putting individual items in ziploc bags you might use walmart bags to keep everything seperate so you can pull out a large bag which contains 3 smaller bags of say, sugar. Not only that but if the smaller bag breaks you want to contain as much of the flower or sugar as possible. A broken bag of flower in the boat would make a horrible mess, especially if it were not found out till it started growing yeast...
     We are waiting on the exhaust elbow. It is supposed to be done today or tomorrow hopefully.
     Here's a shout out to anyone from the TN phone net who heard Harrel announce our web site! 73! Steve

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