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Date:Mon, 18 Oct 2022 00:04:00 GMT


Curiosity... Cats...

     This morning we got up and Lila was gone. She hasn't come back all day and we have no idea where she is but Blackbeards is surrounded by forests so she could be any where. Tonight we are going to go out walking with cat treats to try and find our black cat in the middle of the night... oh my...
     Yesterday we left Bishop's Marina at Mathew's point and sailed with Moral Compass up to Blackbeards and docked. It was a fun sail but there was only about 5-10 knots of wind. Skies were clear and temp was in the 70's. We left at 11:30 after moving the cars to Blackbeards and then the wind died around 14:30 so we had to motor the last 2 hours. It was wonderful to be out on the water again.
     We have entered Grace in a Classic and antique boat show next weekend. We will be staying till then for sure getting the boat ready for showing. We're excited and think it's going to be a lot of fun!

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