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Date:Sat, 26 Nov 2022 00:12:00 GMT

St Mary's Ga 2


     Today was an easy day. We went to Seagles for a breakfast pancake buffett for the cruisers. Then with the help of some WONDERFUL locals from the yacht club we got a ride to do wash and shopping. While Hannah was doing that Sam and I took apart the port lazerette and found the steering problem and fixed it. Some of the led ballast had slipped into the way of the steering ram. All we needed to do was move the ballast around so it won't happen again. I also helped our friends fix their solar panels which had fallen down in the waves. Then we went to get fuel with the same wonderful folks and went to dinner at Riverwalk Cafe/Bar and had a great meal. I would highly recommend both Seagles and Riverwalk. The food was great the service friendly and the atmosphere relaxing and fun. So it was a relaxing day... ;) Now it's time for bed. Oh... I also met a seriouis sailor, Phillip on s/v Ness. We had a pleasant conversation about our journey's and hope to meet up with him again as we head south.

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