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Date:Wed, 23 Nov 2022 22:54:00 GMT

St Mary's GA

Lunch Icecream and Fudge!

     Today we slept in. Every muscle in my body hurts. I feel like I am recovering from a car crash. Eventually we got up, washed up, washed our hair and decided to go into town. But we are moving slow.
     Our dingy lift is working great. We added a sling/harness to the motor so we can lift it into the boat without worrying about dropping it overboard. We met our buddy boat at the dock and went to lunch at the Greek resturant right off the water. It's called "The Riverside Cafe" It's a marvelous little place and the food was excellent! I would recommend it to anyone anchoring here. The town is small and a couple of the shops are going out of business. (which is sad) due to flooding from storm surge repeatedly. There's lots of nice stuff for gifts to send home. There is home made fudge and icecream here as well at the "Market on the Square". The town is friendly to boaters and the waterfront park is beautiful. There is a bait shop with bathrooms right off the dinghy dock which is free and trash cans right by the dock. There are hanging swinging benches and a playground for kids. We are staying for the Boater's Thanksgiving at the hotel here tomorrow.
     The marina mentioned in the guide books is gone, washed away in the hurricane. But some of the broken pilings are still there. So where you see a marina on the charts don't anchor there because at low tide you'll be sitting on broken log pilings punching holes in your boat. The river has a swift current and of course there are winds going against or sidewise to the current so give your self plenty of room from other boats. The anchorage is big with room for 20 boats or more. It was pretty full when we got here. The depths range from 8-25 feet and it holds well but make sure your anchor likes to be turned around because the current shifts.
     I'm going to bed early tonight and Hannah is making a custard pie and stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I think we're going to work on the steering perhaps Saturday or Sunday.

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