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Date:Tue, 15 Nov 2022 20:56:00 GMT

We're OFF!

Day 1 Adams Creek

     We finally got underway about 11am and we are now at anchor in Adams Creek at about 1530. It was a windy day with 20g25 out of the east south east with light rain and about 58 deg. Baro is 30.0. The autopilot is on the fritz and it appears the pump is not getting power. I'll have to check it later. We are rafted up with our friends B, S, and K. WE had the motor the whole way as the winds were direct headwind and we want to make our weather window offshore.
Our first night rafted up
Lilah stayed in the cockpit even though the spray was coming around the dodger. She spent most of the time on Mom's lap. Sam and Mom took turns steering.

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