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Date:Tue, 8 Nov 2022 11:58:00 GMT

Getting ready to sail

Finishing Last in Style

     Last weekend the 5th there was a fun race and we finished last. But we tested several points of sail. I was very glad to see that wing and wing is very easy on this boat. We also found that even close hauled you need to let the main out a little more than you might expect to balance the weather helm.
     The last week we have spent getting ready for the trip south. Going through the storage unit, buying maps, planning meals, stowing things and finding out how and where to store our cars. We have been talking to folks about where to stop and good fuel and anchorages etc on the route south.
     It looks like weather is not going to allow us to do the gel coat repair right at the moment so we will try to do it later. The insurance company has agreed to issue a check in advance and then perhaps we can have the work done in the spring.
     The forward vaccuum pump has been holding so it looks like we will not need to split the line just yet but I'm saving all the parts to do it later. We are getting closer to the launch of our youtube and patreaon sites. Sam has been working overtime on videos. I also have tons of pictures to upload and I know I've been remiss but I'll get them up and posted. Especially of the races here on the river.
     The wind picked up last night to around 20kts and the lines started slapping on the mast a little bit with each gust. The lines were also creaking a little bit as the boat pulled away from the dock in the wind. Learning each noise the boat makes is important and also comforting. we are looking forward to leaving the dock and starting our adventure for this winter.

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