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Date: Sat, 07 May 2022 03:30:00 GMT

Decks Done!

Steve and Sam continue working on the deck and the cockpit
     For Sam and I the last couple days have been spent sanding cleaning oiling and varnishing everything that doesn't move... For Hannah it is working on taxes...but in the middle of all that we had home made chili, tres leche cake, home made bread, Sam made omlettes for breakfast and Lilah sleeps on the floor of the cabin all day trying to stay cool.

     Sam had a cough and gave it to Wanda, I blistered my back in the sun and now am itchy and peeling, and we found a much needed chiropracter!
Wanda coming on deck
Wanda coming up on deck
Wanda waving 2
Wanda kicking back on deck

     Here is the final product for the decks. We cleaned them with soft brushes and scotch guard pads cross grain with just water. We gave up on the teak brightener as it just didn't do that much after we scrubbed off the grey and green. Then we used teak oil. The first coat was sucked up like it wasn't even there. I let it dry for 48 hours and then put on the second coat today. We also sanded and varnished the eyebrows and deck boxes with Epifane. The Epifane I mixed with thinner about 10 to 1 so it was super thin for the first coat which was sucked up deep into the wood, then in just about 10 minutes later I followed with epifane at about 1:1 with thinner. Thin even coats soaking in. I don't want it breaking free and peeling off because it was not bonded to the wood well. We did find that cleaning sanding dust off the deck is harder than it looks as it fills all the little grooves in the teak. Even after the oil was dry if you get a little dust on it just a hose will not take it off. It takes a brush. The sand dust is sooo tiny it gets into EVERYTHING!. Even my dustless sander gets a little dust in the wind and it of course lands everywhere.
oiling the teak deck
2 coats of oil
oiling the teak deck
2 coats of oil

     In the end however I was very pleased with the results. From here on we work on the cockpit. I am going to use a different technique there to see if Deks Olje 1 and 2 work better than varnish. We're off to bed after a nice evening in the cockpit eating chilli and having a ginger ale. It's very nice out with a strong breeze.
Nite Nite!

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