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Date: Wed, 04 May 2022 01:47:00 GMT

This is the teak that never ends...

Steve and Sam working on the deck and the cockpit
     Today was spent sanding, cleaning, oiling, and varnishing. But we got the entire cockpit cleaned. I have 1/2 the deckboxes and both hatches varnished. I am really pleased about how things are turning out. The teak is really beautiful. A lot of work? yes. But to me worth it. There was an area forward where I tested my method and it was a slightly different color than the rest of the deck and I had to sand out the line between the two sections, re-clean it, and oil it. The transition is softer now and not noticable. Right now we have used 1 1/2 gallons of teak oil and we have two coats on the starboard side and 1 coat on the port side. I think we're going to go through another gallon before we are through and we have not done the cockpit yet.
     We also rebedded one stantion on the starboard side over the aft cabin. One of the stainless bolts simply rusted and broke in half. I ordered 20 more bolts to keep on hand as others are bad as well and none of the ones in my bolt boxes are long enough.
     I moved the roller furling line to the port side instead of starboard and used the old fair leads along the deck. I think it will be better over there.
     I am not sure what to do about the spinnaker poles and equipment. Do I take it off the mast and dump the poles? Or when I finally sell the boat will someone ask me where the spinnaker is? Personally I'll never use them and if I do fly a spinnaker it will be an asymetric and won't require a pole. I would like a whisker pole for the Genoa...
     Well, time for bed soon. I need a shower and a break. Hannah will be home soon and then it'll all start again.

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