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Date:Mon, 13 Jun 2022 02:42:00 GMT

Wires and NMEA2k

Electronic stuff...

     So today we hooked up the new log,depth,temp sensor. It fit perfectly in the existing through hull. But, of course there was not a flapper in the old unit so there was a nice stream of water into the boat. I kept it undercontrol with rags so we didn't have water hitting the ceiling. Then we pulled a NMEA2k backbone cable and a piece of coax through from the aft starboard lazerette and tested it. All is working perfectly. I've been trying to figure out how to get the masthead unit wired and I think I have it. The B&G310 uses NMEA0183 and a 5 pin connector. I can use 4 wires of the existing cable and just put cable ends on it. I'm hoping that's all it takes.
     Then we sprang another leak, from a pex line, of course. It was under the forward sink and was spraying water in a tiny stream that overnight filled about 3 gallons in the bilge.

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