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Date:Wed, 27 July 2022 02:25:00 GMT

Nav Station

Completed the Nav Station

     This has been a busy couple weeks: We bought our new dinghy!. We got an Achillies Rib at 10.2 feet. And now the engine is on the fritz again. I rebuilt the carb but to no avail. It sat with bad gas for about 4 months and even after a disassembly and good cleaning I can't get it running right. I think I'm going to buy a new carb rather than fight with it more.
     We joined Blackbeards and have been spending Sundays there. It's a lot of fun and I've gone sailing with other people on thier boats.
     We completed the rebuild of the nav station! I'm still waiting on an icom 605 radio but we put in the older BG VHF v20 in the hole. Chris helped me design and cut out the wood and I finished it.
The Completed Navstation
The Completed Navstation again

     Things are going frustratingly slow. But we are making progress. We have completed the move of the traveler to it's original position and are waiting to plug the old holes. This list was long and everything takes time. We have a little rigging to do yet, but all the old wire halyard winches are replaced and the sails are being repaired. I can't wait to see her with tan bark sails and re-finished decks. She really will look like a different boat. According to Inner banks they should have the main sails done tomorrow. Getting ready to go off shore is not the same as getting ready for a weekend trip around the river.
     We have met a couple new friends that I hope to be cruising with this winter heading south to Florida. Brad, Stacy, and Carley. We have spent a lot of time together the last couple weeks and have a lot in common. I helped them get their old washer/dryer out of their boat which was kinda fun. It was almost as hard has removing an engine through the companionway and over the side to the ground 14 feet below!
     Sam and I have been spending a lot of time on the decks and brightwork. We re-scrubbed the teak with scotchbright pads and put on more teak oil. The brightwork we are doing with boiled linseed oil. I stripped and refinished the companionway boards also with boiled linseed oil. I've been spending time on old wooden boat forums and sights doing research and getting ideas. Hannah has also been doing the sam and we found rope bumpers yesterday. They are very cool looking. I think we're going to make some!
     We've been going every couple days to The Bean to get ice cream and chai milk shakes! It's a wonderful break after a hot day working on the boat.
     After we are finished at Zimmerman's/Deatons We are going for a sea trial with some of our new friends and then we're having a cocktail party at Mathew's point as well as Blackbeards. Then we're off on our first adventure! It' so close I can almost taste it! Get ready to follow us on a more daily basis as we leave! We're working on a youtube and patreon site. I'm hoping to have drone shots of the boat soon. stay tuned! Night Night!

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