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Date:mon, 04 July 2022 03:44:00 GMT


Finished the spreaders

     On the 2nd we watched the fireworks and went to the Croker fest in Oriental. It was a fun day. I also have finished the spreaders so they can be mounted this week. The tops are white and the bottoms are clear polyurathane. I had to do them twice because I painted the bottom white by accident last time. So I lost about a weeks work. Rather than deal with splotchiness and sticky poly, I just stripped them and sanded and started over.
     I also spent more time with the sun covers. I think I have finally decoded how they fit but I'm still not completely sure. It is not as simple as it seems. It's a serious puzzle.
     Also last week we finished the instrumentation behind the binacle. The original one was so tall that Hannah could not see over it. We bought a new B and G Zues 3S 9 inch chart plotter, a Triton2 display and all new nmea2k sensors etc. We are also working on the nav station completely re-building it.
     Yesterday someone hit the boat!!! The damage is not severe but it will be several thousand dollars to fix. He just backed right into us and then when he gunned the motor forward he swung the stern of his boat into us a second time. The Fisheries and Game officer came out to do a report today and take pictures. Two other people saw the whole affair and are going to write statements. I'm sure his insurance will pay but it's going to delay us more. GRRR.

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