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Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 12:48:03 GMT

Winter is Coming

     The Holidays were quiet and peaceful here in North Carolina. Of course we are at the end of the road near the end of the country and the eastern most edge of the south. The world storms rage around us but we are safe in our hurricane hole at the moment. It has been cold and windy. We have seen winds over 30Knots and temperatures have been down to the mid 20's. The weather swings wildly. One day the temp is 28 in the morning and by afternoon it is 60. On those days the wind blows hard. When it does, the boat rises and lowers almost like the tides. We are far enough inland that the tides don't affect us, but the wind blows the river in our out and raises the water level a good 3 feet each way. When it does that it can be difficult to get on or off the boat. The north wind brings high water and the south wind brings low water. Since our boat draws 5.5 feet there are days we are in the mud and there are days we are riding high. When the north wind blows and the temperatures drop the marina cuts off the water for upto a week at a time and we have to live on our stores. We have 200 gallons so this is usually ok but we do have 4 people on board so we have to be careful. Lila is getting used to the boat and has even ventured on deck a couple times. She seems to prefer nights and during the day she skulks around hugging low to the ground. Wanda, Sam, Hannah and I are doing fine and we thank you for enjoying our blog. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and for those who did not we wish you better days in the future. Our prayers are with everyone in this crazy world. As for technical news, we will be adding an RSS feed so you can subscribe to the blog. We are also working on a video/audio vblog as well. Please drop us a line at and say hello. We'd love to meet you! God's grace be with you all and may this be a good year!

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