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Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 15:48:22 GMT


     This morning the river was frozen over and the light current was pushing against the green bouy marking the entrance to the marina. It would push it for a while then the ice would break and it would move back to it's original position. The pier was vibrating slightly for the same reason. The current is moving very slowly. It's dry and cold but the sun is warm and it's beautiful outside. There was frost on the docks and the deck. We are on our 9th day on our water supply and will likely fill up tomorrow. The temprature last night was somewhere below 27 degrees. It was 27 at 8am. but the water temp below the surface is still 49 degrees. Life is peaceful and quiet and everyone is fine. It is so quiet here and at night you can see the stars the way I remember when I was a child or when we were in Mexico or Sailing 20+ years ago. There is no light polution and since we are on the edge of the USA 1/2 the sky is over the atlantic ocean. The stars are amazing. We contacted a boat yard to work on some issues like rigging and through hulls this spring. The owner of the yard is going to come visit us and see the old girl before we schedule work. It's an exclusive yard that I will mention after when we are closer to actually having the work done. I've made progress getting the web site ready for an RSS feed. You'll be ablt to subscribe to the blog soon!. I have all the posts separated and linked. Now it's just creating the feed.

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