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Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 13:57:30 GMT

Rainy days and Sundays

     I tried my hand at varnish today just touching up a few small areas to test how it goes. Interior of course because it's a rainy sunday and cold. There is an area by the companionway that was needing a little work and a small area by the sink in the gally. I used a heat gun to scrap off the old cracked peeling varnish. That worked great! It came right off. I'm using spar varnish which might be a little overkill but it's just a small 8 inch area as a test. So far the two space heaters has kept the boat warm even down to 24 deg but they are running all the time now. The ceiling has gotten condensation on it a couple times and needed to be wiped down just like the inside of a tent on a cold morning after breathing all night. We put the heaters in the bathrooms to keep the towels dry during the day. Lilah is on the deck at night now but still won't leave the cockpit during the day. Sam is cooking all the meals now taking over for Hannah while she is gone. We ran the engine for 30 min in gear and ran the Generator for 15 minutes as well just to keep things in order. I think the prop might blow away some of the mud from under the keel while we ran it in reverse. I can't see down there but we can hope. Wind is up to 22K now out of the north and it's raining. We are about 18 inches above the dock and sitting high in the water. When the wind blows out of the north the water in the creek rises. When it blows out of the south it blows all the water out and we sit much lower at the dock. The depth ranges rom 4-8 feet depending. so on really warm south wind days we are keel in the mud and can't get out of the slip. On into evening the wind and rain started picking up and the barometer dropped from 2995 to 2940. Stormy weather with whitecaps and winds from all angles from 25g35 it started in the northwest and swung all the way around. We had bean soup that Sam made and got wet a couple times tying up ropes, moving dorades and keeping things battened down. I removed the forward dorade as water was pouring in the bilge and chain locker from it. It's 7pm now and things are quieting down. It's going to be cold cold cold for the next two weeks and unless we were in Florida it would be cold even in Charleston. I'm going to go to bed now. Good Night.

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