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Date: Tues, 18 Jan 2022 21:42:00 GMT

Water Wednesday

     Today we did more testing on the water. We were down to the 24gal line and so we added 6 to get up to 30 and once again it drained out to about 2 inches above the 24gal line. We have a leak somewhere, and I think it's under the settee.
I also did some more varnishing. I am working on the trashcan lid. I completely stripped it with a scraper, resanded it and and put on a thin coat. I have found that the thin coats work best. I'm 4 coats on one of the shine hand rails behind the sink and it's looking great. I also started on the back wall where the water damage is again. It's black but the wood is solid. I have tried oxcylic acid and it works a little bit but it's pretty deep in the wood and keeps coming to the surface. I think I'm just going to accept the stain and sand and varnish it in place. I'm in a similar delimna on the wall by the companion way. the varnish is damaged but I'm afraid I'll never get the color matched and it's a large flat area so I'm trying to soften the existing varnish and keep as much of it as possible.
It's turning cold and the barometer is dropping. There is an ice storm warning for tonight and tomorrow. We have 3 heaters but if the power goes out in the ice storm we will have to run the generator. I don't like being so dependant on electricity. We'll see how it is tomorrow.

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