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Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 14:52:00 GMT

The Great Ice Storm

     Well, last night it started raining and freezing and by this morning there was about 3/8th inch of ice everywhere. The canvas is as hard as wood, the lines are encased in glass. In the aft cabin the air-fans were letting cold air in so I taped a bag over it to keep the cold air out.
     We were afraid the power would go out and we would loose the heaters but we have 100Gal of Diesel so we could run for a good long while if we had to. It did go out for a short minute but it was while we were asleep so we didn't notice
     It's beautiful outside but it's not really sailing weather. I'm using the time to get small things done on the boat and to continue working on varnish spots or missing wood screws. I fixed a couple hand holds and a towel rack in the aft head. I went out and helped another cruiser with his heater and had to lay on the ground to slide under his life lines to get on his boat. There was no way I was going to try and step over them when everything is encased in 1/4-3/8 inche of clear ice.
     It's pretty cold outside with a biting wind so it's not going to melt for a bit and the forcast is for weather in the 20's for the next week. I find it interesting that 22 years ago we were in Charlotte and there was an ice storm. We purchased and started working on the Sea Frog in the late spring and were sailing in July. I suspect we will re-trace many of our same steps this coming spring and summer. Since there is an 11 year solar cycle and it was in the 20's then I'm not surprised it's a cold winter now.
     There are pictures at the ice album but they are not sorted and tagged yet. So have a look!
Steve in the Cold jpg
It's COLD out here!
Frozen Canvas jpg
When you knock on the canvas it feels and sounds like wood!

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