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Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2022 12:43:00 GMT


     Today we woke up to snow! It's about 33 deg and steady snow with medium sized flakes. The Barometer is 29.62. This is the edge of a big Noreaster that is doing some real damage up the north east coast. We are mostly out of it. Last week was a lazy week as the ice melted. We mostly stayed hunkered down with tempratures in the 40's during the day and 20's at night.
     I have done a little more exploritory varnishing and scraping and I think I want a different color of varnish. I'm trying to decide if what is here is deliberately honey colored or if it is just darkened by age. It seems obvious to me that the wood is not stained. much of the varnish is very very brittle and I have tried to soften it with very light thinned coats of new varnish. That seems to work in some areas. This has a pretty steep learning curve, this varnish thing. I think it's an art.
     Today Hannah is returning from visiting family! We've all missed her especially Lilah.
     The plan is in the spring to hit the standing rigging, repaint the mast, and re-do all the through hulls. I am building the work list now. There is a lot I would have liked to do this winter but it was just too hard while staying on the boat and so much was outdoor work or required being out of the water. Traditional winter maintenance that would have been done while on the hard with us staying off the boat and in our house, but staying on the boat made that too difficult. I really want to do as much of the work as possible myself, or at least be intimately involved. I derive a lot of satisfaction and pride from knowing I did it. Even if I just watch and learn I'm much more aware of the systems. I guess I've never been the person to walk away and just pay someone. I look forward to the spring and starting serioius restoration.

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