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Date:Tue, 25 Dec 2022 15:20:00 GMT

Coconut Grove

Found the Sailboats!

     Yesterday the 24th we left the anchorage at Miami Beach and motored down the icw for about 2 hours to Coconut Grove. We left at about 13:30 and arrived here about 15:00 and motored around investigating the area finally dropping anchor near our friends on Moral Compass at about 16:30. It was a cold sail with the high for the day only about 55 and cloudy with a strong north west wind. The trip was uneventful.
     This morning I got on the single side band radio and checked into the Waterway net as well as Cruisheimers. They have nets every morning around 7:45 to 08:30 and we keep track of eachother locations and any news or information pertinant to our travels. There are many people who don't think SSB is important any more but I disagree.
     As well, this morning, I was up sending pictures and happy holidays to family, and everyone on our phone list.
     We have been tracking a saltwater leak for the last few days and this morning I think I found it. There was water appearing on top of the grey water tank that is salt water. with saltwater entering the boat I always have nightmares about through hulls failing but after digging through the floorboards for a bit I found a leak on the stuffing box at the forward end of the swing keel/centerboard. So I got out the big pipe wrench and tightened up the stuffing box a little bit. Then we pumped out the water and hopefully there won't be more water there tomorrow. It was dripping about once per second.
     Hannah is making pancakes and the boat smells wonderful. It's good to run the stove on a cold morning as we don't have a reverse cycle heater/air conditioner. It's raining outside so I think Brad and Stacey will be over to cook Christmas Dinner. So it will likely be a busy day.

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