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Date:Tue, 23 Dec 2022 10:20:00 GMT

Miami Beach 2

South Beach anchorage

     There is an anchorage right by Belle island to the south. It's a very protected anchorage. There is an anchorage to the north as well but it is more crowded. If you head north under the Ventian causway by dinghy there is a town dock near the Police dock and you can get water there as well as tie up for 20 minutes. To the south about 1 mile is the Miami Beach Marina where you can get fuel and water. You can also tie up there for the day for about $80/day. It's a beautiful marina, well protected and full of the most amazing super yachts. Just south of the bridge there is a canal you can travel up under bridges for about 1/2 mile and tie up across from the publix. But the water is pretty discusting. Not like the clear anchorage. Still, all services are available. Any store you want, and a laundrymat, a gas station and a multitude of resturants. Hey, it's South Beach and if it's not here it's not important.
     When Hannah and Sam were ready to be picked up from the laundromat I couldn't find my wallet!!! I'm not sure what happened but It's not anywhere so I'm going to have to cancel all my cards and order a new drivers license etc... oh Bother! I'll probably find it right after I've canceled everything. I'm afraid it was left on a dock or fell out in the water. Who knows.

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