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Date:Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:40:00 GMT

St. Augustine 2

Moving Anchor

     Nothing goes as expected. We got up this morning and after a week our anchor had moved a little closer to one of the other boats than we would like so Sam and I went up to move it. When we pulled up the anchor I put it into gear and heard the loudest clattering I've ever heard the boat do. I immediately told sam to drop the anchor again and we stopped where we were and went below to find out what had happened. Upon looking at the drive shaft we had completely seperated the two halves of the shaft and the carrier barring was loose as well. We will have a youtube video of our repair up soon. But it took till about noon to re-attach and re-align the drive shaft so that we could re-anchor. I'm glad we caught it today and not when we were ready to leave for Cape Caneveral. The nuts and bolts were in the bilge and our grabber claw went overboard a couple months ago so we had to use Hannah's Salad tongs to reach the hardware. I don't know how they came loose but I must assume vibration. We torqued them to 40 foot pounds this time. One of the nuts/bolts of the carrier bearing is loose and is spinning so this fix is not permanant. We will have to keep a good eye on it and that will be something to fix in the yard next time we are doing serious maintenance. This is not how we wanted to spend the morning.

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