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Date:Wed, 31 Aug 2022 23:23:00 GMT


Back at Mathews's Point

     Today we went for a test sail with the new rig and then continued on back to our marina. We left just after lunch and got in just before sunset. It was a wonderful day on the River and we had 10-17 knots wind. We put the rails in the water several times and tried every point of sail we could including taking in both reefs. The old Hood sails flew wonderfully and everyone had a great day. Brad came with us to crew and Mark checked out all his work and then Dave from Zimmermans came with his launch and picked up Mark, matching speed, he jumped over on the leeward side. Then we continued on to Bishop's marina at Mathews Point. When we came in we were pushing mud and so we barely made it into our slip. We need to come and go more often to clear out a good path. Buck, Vicky, Dave, Teresa, Ron, Char, and Chris were on the dock to welcome us home. It was really nice.

     Then later we found out we had diesel on the bilge, and that a water hose between the raw water pump and the heat exchanger was leaking and filled the bilge with salt water. The hose will be easy to fix but finding the diesel leak will be more difficult. How embarrasing. Anyway, it's good to me home amoung friends!

     We have pictures of the sail that we will post soon! Good night for now. S.

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