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Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2022 13:16:00 GMT

Lazy Days

     Is there such a thing? Ha Ha! We are trying to get organized after returning from Tennessee. Our days are filled with sorting items in our storage unit, getting the boat registered for a new year, looking for boat yards to do rigging and bottom paint and trying to get taxes done. There's not much exciting going on at the moment. We spent the evening with friends again and didn't get back to the boat till 3am. I guess this doesn't help is get stuff done?!
     Anyway, this morning we're going to the opening of the farmers market. A couple days ago we found some new cruising friends and tried to pick their brains about their last 8 years of sailing around the east coast. Valuable information! We spent a couple hours with Hank on the boat talking about upgrades and fixes and getting his opinion on the boat. It was a wonderful time and he was a wealth of information about the boat. It was fun to talk with him. Perhaps we can keep him involved in the upgrades and maintenance we will be doing in the next few weeks.

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