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Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 14:07:00 GMT

Rainy days and Mondays

     Tax day and rain make a recipe for sitting here quietly and updating the web site. Outisde it's 65 and steady rain. The wind has died down a little bit and the north wind has us riding high in the water as the wind blows water up river. The problem with wind tides is they are not as predictable as moon tides. Last night Sam and I put up the tent over the cockpit/boom and so the cockpit is mostly dry. This time we pulled the outdoor seat cushions indoors to stay dry.
     Yesterday we spent the afternoon with new friends of ours who moved from Colorado to get away from the crazyness. They came with their kids to visit the boat and get to know us better. One of our goals with going crusing is to spend more time in the real world with real people. real human interaction is far superior to electronic and without it culture dies. This is the time to unplug from the virtual and get back to the real world.
     The wind is howling gently through the rigging and as the boat rocks I'm sitting here typing on my computer as we eat our morning breakfast of eggs and crackers. The rain will be increasing throughout the day so I think we will just sit here and stay warm and dry in our boat.

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