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Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 01:23:00 GMT

Spring Cleaning

     Today we did a lot of cleaning and organizing. I started by cleaning out the cockpit.(since I had good cockpit drains again!)Then we started cleaning the decks. After over 6 months wintering here in North Carolina they needed a good cleaning. So out came the brushes and Sam and I spent the day cleaning off the green and grey being careful always to go across the grain and not with it. There are some areas that need caulking after the winter but we will get to those later. For now things are starting to shape up. We found a place to stow the spare fuel and water cans. Inside the boat Hannah's sour dough is finally alive again after being 3 months in the refrigerator un-fed. It took Hannah almost a week to bring it back. For dinner we had 15 bean soup and oatmeal scotchies!

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