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Date: Thur, 14 Apr 2022 02:43:00 GMT

Through Hulls!

     Today was a success!!! I freed up 2 of my ancient through hulls. The seacocks are pieces of art. They are 50 years old bronze barrel types. There's no telling how long it's been since they moved and I had tried initially to move them to no avail. Well I was waiting till we hauled the boat hout to do the hull, not wanting to mess with 50 year old through hulls while in the water. But today I was brave. The wind was out of the south and we were sitting in the mud so there wouldn't be far to go if something went awry. I got out the wrench went to the bolt on the side and turned the jam nut. And it turned easy and smooth! Feeling encouraged I put the wrench on the inner bolt and it also turned off like it was new. I pulled out a hammer and hit the bolt one swift easy whack and it moved just like that and a little water started seeping in. I grabbed the handle and it turned! so I worked it a little bit back and fourth and tightened it up again, set it so it wouldn't leak, and worked it back and fourth a few times. Feeling really brave I attacked an other one and it was just the same! I'm so glad. These pieces of mechanical art are supper expensive new and these are simply beautiful. I love proper equipment ment to last a lifetime! Now I'm going to attack the others one at a time the same way. I really should pull them out and re-build them and I might do that when we haul out but I'm feeling a lot less scared that we're going to sink because I can't turn off a sea cock. They have been well grounded all these years and don't show any signs of errosion or degradation. I love this old boat! She was well made and designed to last a lifetime.
     For dinner we had grilled chicken and asparagus rice with friends at the club house and sat around and talked till midnight. Good wine and good friends. We met a new couple with a tartan 38. They are anchored out about 200 feet from us.

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