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Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 23:50:00 GMT

Yard Work

Plumbing and mast boots

     The last couple days have been plumbing days. We reworked how the galley sink is plummed and moved the output of the drain to the water line instead of below the water line. We also moved the black water pumpout. It was previously going up through the floor and then through a bulkhead under the galley sink. We removed that and ran the entire line under the floor with no cutouts. We also replaced the hose with fresh hose. It does run up through a food locker so we wanted no smells period.
     We also worked on the Mast boot and collar. The previous owner put in spartight for the mast wedges but I don't think it was a good pour. The mizzen mast is rocking back and fourth and the main mast is leaking profusely. The only way to really figure it out is to attempt to pull the mast and if it doesn't come out cut it out. I really think it's going to be a big problem. I think I've finally found something worse than 5200. Spartight. I spent 1/2 the day chiseling out enough to get the mast ring off the mizzen. I think I'm going to through bolt it completely through the deck to the underside so that it doesn't move and then put a mast boot on it. For the main which is not moving and is tight, I'm going to try to caulk around the bottom edge of the mast collar and re-bed the screws that hold the collar in place.
     Yesterday we pushed out the old log/depth transducer through hull and put in a new one. The original one did not have a flapper valve in it so when you pull it in the water there was quite a geyser. It came out easily. While we were doing that I saw the zinc on the bow thruster was completely gone so I replaced that this morning. Zimmerman's has the most amazing parts room. They have everything!
     In the evenings we have been spending time with Annamaashi. Hannah made bread today and 15 bean soup. We just finished dinner and I'm planning tomorrow's work. I think we will be back in the water Thursday.

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