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Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 00:24:00 GMT

Tropical Storm

Dark and Stormy

     We are well, and the storm Friday was strong but not too damaging. It started flooding Friday afternoon and the surge went up to about 4 1/2 feet before it started receeding when the wind changed to out of the south.
The road infront of the Bean floods often
I'm never quite sure why people insist on driving through deep water but they do. And it's well marked as deep water as well. Anyway, It also floods in a couple other places in Oriental as well but this time there was no damage to speak of. The power did go out on Saturday morning for several hours during the highest winds. Some of the other boats clocked winds at 50knots. There were three boats at anchor that must have had a rough time of it and though their anchors dragged they did not hit anything. We drove down by the waterfront to watch the waves crashing along the seawall and of course the news was there trying to get a shot.

     Saturday we moved from the hotel to an Airbnb in the area and then Sam and I went to work on the boat. We didn't do too much. It was a light day. We cleaned and oiled tools, did a little work on the galley sink drain and re-organized tools so that I got rid of an entire toolbox. We also cleaned and vaccumed some of the bilge up in the vberth. We did get some water in the boat from the mast and somewhere else as the bilge was full of water.

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