We are re-finishing the decks from scratch. The experiment with Boiled
Linseed oil didn't work well. The wood darkened over time till it was
nearly black. It protected pretty well and lasted a good long time but it
is not the right color. We are using Epifanes thinned about 3 to 1 on the
toe rails, trim, deck boxes, and rub rails. The deck it's self we're
going to just oil with standard teak oil and probably let it go grey. f
I'm worried about the engine. The exhaust elbow we replaced is rotted
already and full of salt. I'm afraid the heat exchanger is leaking raw
water into the exhaust. In any case we have to replace it again as exhaust
is coming into the boat. Also it's very hard to start. I think it's
because there is water in the exhaust. We have the anti-siphon device and
we are closing the raw water feed to the engine and draining the water
jacket. But after a week she didn't want to start again.
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2023 02:33:00 GMT
Rebuild Grey water pump
Today Sam and I rebuilt the Jabsco Grey water pump. It was in pretty
sorry shape but our field expedient fix had worked. We received the
rebuilt kit a few days ago. It took us till about noon to get it all
rebuilt. I had to re-tap one of the bolts that held it together and the
top lid was bent and needed to be hammered into shape again. All is
working now. They're good expensive pumps and I like them.
Then this afternoon we went to Sweet Escape and played Mexican Train for hours.
They're wonderful folks. This is the second or third time we have been to
their Catamaran. We just got back 30 min ago. Hannah made two loaves of
Challah to take to them.
Hannah is baking 2 more loves of bread now.
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 04:07:00 GMT
Decks and Impeller
It was a long day. First thing this morning I started working on the
crack in our 6 gal water jug. I decided to plastic weld it and it worked
well. We'll see if it holds but I think it's a permanant fix. Then
Sam and I spent the rest of the morning into the afternoon working on Teak, then in
the wind one of the solar panels blew off and I dove in the water to get
it. When I got back in the boat I noticed the Generator was running hot
and not much water was coming out. So after cleaning the strainer a few
days ago and clearning the inlet the next thing was the impeller. Sure
enough it was all ate up. So I called West Marine and Brad and I rode
over there and picked one up. I was quiet suprised that they had one for
our generator but they did. I have no more spares so I need to order a
couple. Now that it's all back together it's running 30-40 deg cooler!
In the evening we watched the superbowl by the Tiki hut and ate snacks.
The KC Chiefs won by a field goal in the last 10 seconds of the game! We
stood outside watching it on the big screen from a projector and hulu on a
phone. It was quite the party.
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 01:46:00 GMT
New Eagle Batteries today!
Hi! Today we received 4 new LiFePo4 batteries from Eagle in Utah. They
arrived last night but I didn't pick them up till this morning. We were
cleaning up the boat so that we could have friends over at 14:30 and I was
only supposed to pick them up but not install them. But after picking
them up and trying to find a place to put them I decided it was easier to
install them than to find a temporary home for them. And it went well,
all the wires fit and it turns out that the battery box was designed for 6
grouop 27 batteries and the 4 group 31's never fit correctly. Not only
that but they appear to be charging just fine!.
The boat is looking really good right now. The deck is mostly complete and
we are just putting on new coats of poly on top of the varnish now. we
put everything away and got it ready to sail and she looks much better
without everything lying around. We got lazy the last couple weeks while
we were working on things.
Then this afternoon and evening we had friends over and discussed buddy
boating to the islands for the next little while. I'm still trying to get
the exhaust fixed and new bottom paint but it is possible that we can do
that in somewhere like the Dominican Republic where labor is cheaper. I'm
still not sure what to do and we are discussing the options. I have to
drive up to NC with Brad to get their car as they are staying here for a
long while to build up funds again. Then I can either bring our car here
so we can work on the boat here or I can leave it at Blackbeards and come
back with Brad and we can fix the boat in another country. There is a lot
to consider with the current state of the world so unstable. I'm not sure
we're ready to leave the land of west marine just yet.
But this is a nice opportunity and our new found friends are very very
sweet to invite us.
Tomorrow I am going to fly our drone for someone to check the top of their
mast and also pick up some wires for the solar panals.
For now Hannah is making dinner and the batteries are charging and all is
well :)
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 04:07:00 GMT
Good Friends
Enjoying the Harbor
The last few days we have been charging our new batteries and I'm very
pleased with how they are working. We have much more energy than
previously and the AGM charger is working Great! It charges them to 100%
if I put it on Lead Calcium. It charges to 80%+ if I put it on AGM and
that's where I get the longest life.
I flew the drone to look at Mischief's anchor light! It was a lot of fun.
Their boat was moving in the wind so it was difficult to stay focused on
just the anchor light with 28x zoom. But all went well. At the end I did
a pan circle of their boat.
Last night was happy hour from 4-6 at the Tiki and the food was amazing.
There were more people there than I've seen all month. All four tables
were covered in food. Hannah made Cinnamon cookies with purple frosting.
There was gumbo, kabobs with shrimp, rice and beans, cake tons of deviled
eggs that were spicy! All our new friends were there and it was a
wonderful cap to a nice day. In the morning we went with Sweet Escape
sailing. They have a lovely Catemaran and I'd never been sailing on one
before so that was a ton of fun. We are trying to figure out how to buddy
boat with them through the Carribean but we need to get a few things fixed
first. Primarily the exhaust.
This evening we are getting ready for a trip to NC to deal with cars and
help out Moral Compass pick up their's. Brad should be gone for just a
couple days.
There are so many wonderful people here. And everyone is helping
eachother and friendly and considerate. I've never really seen anything
quite like it. This is a really great cruising community. People get
stuck here because it's so nice. Who knows we might get stuck here too.
It's a great base of operations. We have made a lot of new friends that I
hope will last for many years during our time cruising.
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 02:58:00 GMT
Enjoying the Town
This evening we went to Barnacle Barnie's Tiki and listened to live music
by Michael from Moonshine a wonderful Catamaran just across the harbor
from us! We sat all around with friends had drinks and snacks and had a
wonderful time!
Hannah and
Steve at Barnacle Barnie'sWanda and
Sam at Barnacle Barnie's The Moon was amazing tonight and I'm sorry it's so small but hey, it's
the moon!
The Moon at Barnacle Barnie's
We met several other folks there from "Supprise" and their friends
and after they left we closed the place down and talked with a couple at the
marina who have an amazing ham setup. I hope to spend more time with them
in the next few days.
The tides have been very extreme lately and so the sea grass is
sticking above the water at low tide. It makes the harbor stink a little
bit and we don't want to go through the dingy cut and instead go around. It
is very shallow even through the cut and people are digging up mud with
their outboards.
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2023 03:06:00 GMT
Marine Flea Market
Marine Show!
Today we went to the yearly marine flea market. It wasn't what we
expected, it was a big trade show with lots of booths and crafts but only
3 or 4 real used flea market type stuff. None the less it was a lot of
fun and a wonderful blue sky day. I got 10 feet of fire house for
anti-chafing and a really cool old adding machine. We saw battery
operated hooka's and lots of other boat and fishing stuff. We ate lunch
there and walked along the beach.
When we arrived back at the boat we started rebuilding the vacuum pump for
the aft head that was leaking. It took several hours and it was a
terrible stinky job but we finished a little after sunset and all is
cleaned up and working. We're all tired and will probably go to sleep
early tonight. We'll have a video of the rebuild on youtube. This is the
second time we've rebuilt a pump. Of course this time went smoother
because we knew what we were doing this time.
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 22:55:00 GMT
Exhaust planning
Maintenance day I guess!
Today Sam and I took the boat apart to detail and document the exhaust
system so that we can get estimates for replacing it from a couple
different marine exhaust vendors. That meant pictures and measurements of
everything. It was a long process. Then I had to make a pdf with
drawings and measurements on pictures. While I was doing all that Hannah
went Shopping with our neighbors on Moral Compass and then when she
returned we ate lunch in the cockpit. It was a good time and a good break
after a long morning.
After lunch we started on the windlass. There was originally a foot
switch for the windless and it had been removed and a hand switch put in
instead. The handswitch was worn out and would shock you every time you
used it. So we replaced it with a foot switch I found in Key West that
was the right size and even made in Italy. The only problem is that it is
plastic. However, the switch is good so I think I can have a stainless plate
made for it. When we got it all hooked up it didn't work. UGH... once
again after about an hour of fiddling with it we found another bad ground
very near the one we fixed a while back. The cross member under the
windless is made from aluminum angle and it has steel bolts going through
it so the two types of metals causes corrosion. I cleaned the bolt and
put the last drips of my Deoxit on it. I will order new soon.
The two batteries I ordered from Lion have not shipped yet so I called them
to find out why. I guess they were waiting for a re-manufactured unit to be
finished for the sale and were out. So they are sending me two new ones for
the price of the re-manufactured ones. No complaints. They will be in in
about a week.