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Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 23:48:00 GMT


Another day in the yard

     Today Sam and I focused on seacocks. He rebuilt two. I rebuilt two. We took out the barrels, lapped them gently and greased them and put them back together. There was a loose mounting bolt on one of the vberth through hulls so we rebedded a new screw through the forward hull. Also one of the small grease plugs/water drains on the side was stripped so we put a new one in which was available at the chanderly at Zimmermans. I got a couple spares just in case.

     I also repaired the throttle handle on the binacle that had sheered off a screw underway. I tried to helicoil it but to do a 1/4 screw requires a 3/8th outer tap and there wasn't enough meat left to do that so I tapped it to 5/16th and put in a screw. I may have to do it again later but it took a couple hours to carefully tap 1 inch through 316 stainless. It's working and solid at the moment.

     There is a tropical storm coming Friday and we may have flooding. We have to move out of the Hotel on Saturday and the roads may be flooded. Then there is another Hurricane coming the following week when we are scheduled to be put back in the water. It's slated to make landfall here at Hatterass around the 3rd of October and run up the Chesapeake. We may need to run south as soon as we go back in the water. We're going to keep a close eye on what it does. The tropical storm we have Tommorrow (we can already see storm clouds forming on the horizon) really is like a hurricane trying to form too close to land. We are expecting 40mph winds. I really don't like all the storms but it's the nature of the western Atlantic.

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