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Date:Wed, 21 Sep 2022 00:40:00 GMT

Cape Lookout 2

On the Hook

     All last night the coast guard was on their mooring ball and again this evening. A NOAA research vessel is anchored here as well. Today was a fun day. I flew the drone, We all went swimming, Hannah caught 2 fish but they got off the hook before we could get them netted. Then I caught one that took the hook and snapped the line. Sam and I put up the sun cover. It was 89deg but there was a nice breeze. It's so peaceful here. Oh, We met our neighbors at anchor. They have a Bowman 36. Sweet classic boat! and of course they have a hard dinghy. I'll put up some pictures after dinner. Hannah is making fried burritos.
Diving in!
Wanda Relaxing
Beautiful Sunsets!

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