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Date:Sun, 30 May 2022 03:03:00 GMT

Good Friends!

One of the main reason we love cruising is meeing great people

     This evening we had drinks again on a wonderful Grand Banks before she heads out on the great loop. Jib and Teresa have spent the last week or so at the yard here getting some work done but tomorrow they are off. We will miss them, but you should follow them on We hope to meet up in the Keys this winter and exchange notes about our cruising. Their boat, "Make is So" looks like new. It's been incredibly maintained and is one of the best examples of a Classic Grand banks I've ever seen.
     Today we spend the day installing the Icom 803 SSB and testing it. We don't have an antenna set up yet and it's not grounded properly but the antenna tuner is set up and we re-wired the nav station so it was a good busy day with lots accomplished. We hope to have videos published of the work later on youtube. I'll keep you posted about our youtube channel once it's up and running. For now, good night!

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