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Date:Thurs, 27 May 2022 01:50:00 GMT


We found a nice sextant

     Today we were looking at sextants and were about to spend a bunch of money on a new one but Hannah said to check "Town Dock" online here in Oriental. So I put out a wanted add. In about 20 minutes I received a text from a wonderful man in the area who was selling three of them. I love amazing stories and interesting people! I'll post more about our conversations later but we have a Sextant now.
     I'm not sure why we trust modern tech to the degree that we do. If there is a power failure on your boat, if you get struck by lightning how are you going to navigate without electronices? A sextant and paper maps. I for one believe in having a backup plan. We used sliderules, maps and sextants for hundreds of years and we toss them out in 10 years because we have electronics. This is not wise.

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