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Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 01:46:00 GMT

To the shipyard

Steve and Sam take Grace to Zimmerman's Marine.
     Today we called Zimmerman's in the morning and they said to go ahead and bring Grace over to have the rig inspected in preparation for re-doing the standing rigging. We got the boat ready to sail in about 3 hours after I took Hannah to work at Starbucks in Moorhead City, and we left the marina at about noon. Mom took the car to Oriental and Sam and I motored Grace over on a beautiful day to the ship yard. There wer two other boats with their sails up probably wondering why such a beautiful boat was limping along without her sails up... Upon entering whittacker creek there was a boat leaving with a 7 foot draft. We talked with them on the radio but they ran aground in about 5 1/2 feet of water and we passed them.
Motoring on the Nuese in the spring with Sam
Hi Sam!
Motoring on the Nuese in the spring
Spring on the Nuese

     When we got into creek by Zimmerman's Mark was waving us in and took a couple pictures with my mother's phone. They put us in a slip between two other boats and it was tight. The first shot at it I was blown sidewise by the wind and had to go around and do it again. This time with a little more speed. We went right in and I reversed it and stopped right in the middle of the slip. They helped us with the lines and we setteled in. I left at about 16:30 to go pickup Hannah from work and now we're having fried burritoes for dinner. It was a great day.
coming into Zimmerman's Marine for rigging
Arriving At Zimmerman's
coming into Zimmerman's Marine for rigging
Had to turn around and try again. Thank heavens for bow thrusters
coming into Zimmerman's Marine for rigging
Arriving At Zimmerman's
coming into Zimmerman's Marine for rigging
Arriving At Zimmerman's
coming into Zimmerman's Marine for rigging
We Made it!! Safe at Zimmerman's

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