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Date:Tues, 5 Sep 2023 17:13:00 GMT


Anchored across from City Marina

     We departed the anchorage at Church Creek at 06:30 and arrived and anchored across from City Marina about 11:00. It was a short run and an easy morning. We were against the current most of the way but we made the 10:30 Bridge opening at Wapo Creek. Sam live streamed on youtube about 25% of our sail and the bridge crossing to anchoring.

     We are looking at the weather for the next few days to make a 48 hour run to Beaufort. It looks like waves are 3 feet or less and winds are 10-15 knots on either a run or a broad reach. It might be a little longer to get there as winds will not really pick up till Friday. Still there are no storms and it should be a pretty easy sail.

     The rest of the day today will be spent preparing the boat for off shore. It should not be much work as we are mostly ready. There was just something stuck on my left shift key on the computer. I just got it out with a knife... not sure what it was but it's gone now. Anyway, the next post should be off shore!

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