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Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 22:55:00 GMT

Church Creek

Another beautiful day on the water

     This morning we got up once again and left at sunrise. We motored till 15:30 and anchored in Church Creek just south of Charleston. It was a clear blue sky day with no clouds and hot. The water was calm. We say more dolphins, white birds, 2 bald eagles, and lots of marsh grass. It's yellow green marsh grass, green trees blue sky and a reflection of blue sky on the brown water.

     We had home made bread and sandwiches for lunch and Hannah is making seasoned mexican rice for dinner with corn and other stuff that smells good, not sure what...

     The bilge had only a small amount of water in it so we arn't dripping 2 drips per second any more. There is a little coming out of the breather I think but not much. We are running the engine hard 10 hours a day. We made it through 2 shallow areas at high tide and only bumped lightly one time. So we are preparing for off shore tomorrow or the next day for a run from Charleston to Beaufort, NC. We did this run for the first time 22 years and 11 months ago. Tomorrow we are going past buzzards roost where we started our boating adventures! I wanted to bring my Buzzards roost hat but I couldn't find it. It will be fun to see.

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