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Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 23:00:00 GMT


More Repairs and a quiet anchorage

     We made really good time today and made Beaufort, SC by 15:30 local. We bought 30 gal of fuel at Hilton Head Marina on the ICW. They were under staffed and the dock hands were very inexperienced. The dock was wood with no rubber and they wouldn't even lift a foot to push us off the dock when we arrived. They did have a few lame bumpers on the dock but two of them were completely deflated. We ended up with some dock rash worse than from the Hurricane. They will only give you water if you buy more than 50Gal of fuel and otherwise charge $10 flat fee. We only needed 25 gal or so that was a little too much. They also wanted $10 to put one small kitchen bag of trash. We will not be going back.

     The anchorage we are at now is Factory Creek. It is very quiet but very narrow. The holding is not particulary good and the approach is shallow and I wouldn't attempt it at low tide. After you get in a ways it deepens up to 14 feet or so beyond the marina. There is a bridge to go through before the creek. As soon as you get through the bridge (channel 9) you turn starboard and follow the bridge till you see the creek.

     When we anchored we tightened up the stuffing box. It was dripping about 2 times a second and we were emptying the bilge every hour or so. We also put on the chain to the centerboard that broke last week so that when we go off shore we will have our centerboard. Now it's about 6:38 local pm and Hannah is off to Publix for food. The boat is quiet and it's a beautiful evening.

     The ICW from Savannah To here is easy and has plenty of depth. It was a beautiful trip with tons of seenery. We made a loop around an Aligator that we found swimming in the river. He was pretty cool! There were so many boats on the water today with the holiday and everyone waved and said kind things about our boat! It was a lot of fun. Sam spent a lot of time on the wheel and we also did a lot of testing and comparing C-Maps vs Navionics. We also played with setting up routes and let the auto pilot run them. It worked great. With the engine running the batteries were well charged when we arrived and we did not need to run the generator to charge anything. Oh... the handheld Cobra vhf radio decided to die. it's only a year and a half old but the battery simply died. So we are using the Baofeng's as backup programmed for marine frequencies. I need to get a remote hand set for the icom installed.

     Oh, we are planning off shore from here. The winds will be good tomorrow and the seas easy so the plan is to go offshore to Charleston and perhaps beyond.
Lilah In her Harness at anchor

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