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Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 12:02:00 GMT


Repairs underway , of course

     Yesterday we motored till just south of Savannah and anachored on the Herb river. It was a beautiful community lined with nice homes. Of course around 10:30 the throttle lever sheered off the cheep screw that held it on to the shaft on the binacle. So I gave the wheel to Hannah and I had to drill out the 1/2 of the sheered bolt and put another bolt in it temporaraly. I'll ha ve to re-tap it later. It was completely coroded in there and would not come out so I had to drill the entire thing. We had a wonderful day on the rivers and then upon anchoring the anchor foot switch failed. So we spent the evening building a new system that will work till we get to the yard. It is a hand switch with a cable. During that process I dropped hot solder between my toes so I have three blisters between my third and fourth toes on my left foot.      This morning we got up at 05:30 and were underway at first light. We are going through Savannah now en-route to Beaufort SC. We passed Thunderbolt marine and the Hinckley boat yard as well. Once again lots of beautiful homes along the river bank.
Sunrise departing Savannah

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