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Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 23:0:00 GMT

Anchored in Georgia

Good Day Great Dinner!

     This morning we left Brunswick at 06:30am local and started motoring up the ICW in light rain. We saw more boats that last time. We passed a passenger ferry, a Catamaran, a 1930's river boat, a Swedish cargo ship and the coast guard.      After we got organized we started live streaming to youtube as Sam repacked the lazzeretts. That took about a hour and a half.      The day was cloudy, pleasently cool and, it was smooth motoring. We anchored in Wahoo creek and Hannah made roasted vegies, salad, and salmon patties and brownies. The anchorage has good depth, plenty of room and is calm and not rolly. Now it's time for the brownies. It's so peaceful here. Tomorrow we leave at 06:30 again.

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