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Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 01:23:00 GMT

Final Preps

Our Clock is Back

     This evening I'm sitting in the main salon surrounded by laundry and bags of food as we get ready to leave south again. We had a long day today after a weekend with friends in Havelock.
     We got the clock back from Greg's Vintage ClockWorks in Newport. He's an amazing guy with a really cool shop where he restores vintage clocks. He does wonderful work and is very honest and fair. If you need a clock repaired and are around North Carolina look him up! The clock is beautiful and runs great with two new springs! The clock is a Chelsea ships shift clock with ships bells. It's vintage from 1970 and the spring was simply worn out. I'm so glad to have it back! It Just chimed now!
Chelsea Ships Clock
With it chiming 9:30 that is just three bells:one double bell and one single for the 1/2 hour. Every 4 hours it starts over. Tomorrow is more washing and more restocking as well as washing nets. For now after a late night last night we are going to bed early tonight.

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