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Date: Thur, 26 Oct 2023 02:06:00 GMT

Work Done?

Back at Blackbeards

     Well we got up this morning at 6am to be ready to cast off by 8am but NO! The engine decided not to start so for the next 5 hours Sam and I were tracing wires trying to find out why it would not start. We did find a few problems, but nothing serious, and then it just decided to work. I hate intermittent problems! Never say the work is done and nothing is broke! Something is always broken, you just don't know it yet.
     So about 15:00 or so we cast off and headed up the Neuse for Blackbeards. It was a really nice day and the wind was at our backs at about 10knots. The engine was purring along very nicely. We pushed the engine up to 3000 rpm and we were making 8 knots through the water. We motored along at about 2200 rpm and 6.5 knots. As we were leaving Zimmerman's everyone waved and we headed for the channel. By the green bouy there was another sailboat with a black hull coming in. We tried to give eachother a wide berth but we ended up running into the mud. But we powered through it. We were in 5.5 feet of water according to our depth gauge. The sun was clear in the sky and temp was about 72 deg. The birds were flying low on the water and the sky reflecting off the brown neuse was blue. We made it up to Blackbeards by about 17:30 and we docked with no problems in a light wind. There were little sunfish sailing around the marina and it was quite the sight. As we tied up the moon was about 25% up in the sky right at sunset. It was a great ending to a long day.
     But it wasn't over yet. Hannah and I drove back to Oriental to pick up the truck and now Hannah is making spagetti for dinner. We have to run the generator here as there is no 50 amp service on the guest dock. Now the next few days will be filled with administrative stuff and provisioning for our journey south. We're feeling very hopeful and excited about this new season of adventure. The boat is in much better shape than when we bought her and I'm more confident of her capabilities.

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