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Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 06:17:00 GMT

You're never done...

There's always something more to do.

     Today we had a survey done for our insurance company. We are trying to get insurance for the Caribbean and off shore. But it's been two years and it's time for another one and we've done so much work over the last two years that we really needed to document that we have completed everything on the previous survey. So we did a short haul and then spent most of the day with the surveyor. He looked everywhere! I had to unscrew and take apart panels so he could see tankage. We got hauled out again and he tapped all over the boat again and didn't find anything of note. He was very thorough. Then We had a complete rig inspection done as well. It will go along with the survey.
     We also received several things in the mail. One of them especially we were pleased to have! A few days ago when we thought we were going to leave (last weekend) I checked the engine one last time before we were going to leave and well... the raw water pump was leaking a lot. It was leaking not from where we put new hoses in but from the pump its self. So I had to order a new pump. But they are not made any more and though they exist on the Jabsco website and various pump sites they were out of stock. After talking to Nanni USA I found out that was because this specific pump is only for OEM Nanni and they don't make them any more. They have to be ordered from France. But, the US warehouse had 1. So I might have gotten the last one in the USA. If there's any other Nanni owners with a 4.220HE I'm sorry you're going to have to order yours from France. I think I'm going to also buy a major rebuilt kit for this one. We rebuilt it before but it only lasted for a year and a half so I think the shaft is bad. I'll be putting it on tomorrow morning.
     We are still waiting for the Genoa to be repaired and the Chelsea clock. The clock repairman in the area (Greg) has it going but as it turns out someone previous to me put the wrong spring in it. It was way too weak and it was filled with graphite. So he has ordered a couple springs from Chelsea and will be putting it back together as soon as they arrive.
     I have also put new Genoa sheets on the boat all white with no flecks. They look wonderful and no chaffing yet. I also replaced the big shackle on the clew with a soft shackle that I made from Dynema. I'm going to use the old ones to make a combination boom brake and boom vang for when we're sailing downwind or on a broad reach. I'm also going to put a new bail for the boom vang at about 50% down the boom. Finally, I rigged up the storm sail. The removable head stay rubs/chafes against the roller furling so I have to pull it back away from the head stay just a tad. So I have devised a way to re-position the stay with a horse/bridel on the fore deck because we don't have a place to put a a true removable inner forestay, we don't have a good place on the deck to put one. I could strap it to the windlass but I'm a little loath to do that.
     Well it's late and we finally have the boat cleaned up again so it's time for bed.

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