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Date:Thu, 12 Oct 2023 03:06:00 GMT

Small Stuff

Small things seem to take forever

     Getting ready to leave and do final re-stocking and fixing seems to take forever. I'm not sure why small stuff takes longer than big stuff but it seems to. So we took our sail to be repaired, (little tear in anti-chafing) We took our Chelsea clock to be repaired (It looks like it was just a dirty spring, all will be well), I'm trying to get the backup head stay for hank on storm sail working correctly. I need to put back together the lockers where we pulled wires for the chart plotters. We need to clean the canvas and net that got wet. I need to repair the cat5 wire to the Mikrotek Groove, so we had to buy a crimper etc. We need to re-organize and catalog the lazzerettes. And we have spent a little time with friends as well. Everything seems to be a long way away and takes forever to get done. We've been to the storage unit 2 times to sort through and exhange items. Hey, by the way, we found a really nice diving knife that is original to the boat from 1969-1973 from Italy. I must assume it belonged to S.J. I am pretty excited. They are quite sought after knives. We also got the bill from Zimmermans and it is as expected. They have always done good work and treated me fair here. We will be back.

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