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Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 00:54:00 GMT


We're back in the water!

     Today was our launch. In the morning The final buffing was being done and Sam and I cleaned up the boat and got it ready for launch. We also put on a layer of bottom paint on the parts of the hull that were blocked up on wood. Then we lifted the boat up and drove to the launch bay. As we approached the water there was a loud pop and the boat shook dramatically. It really scared us. Nothing seemed broken but then we saw that the saddle/strap had slipped about 2 feet. It's good that they were tied together. Then we lowered the boat in the water and started checking the through hulls and the stuffing box/stern tube. We found a couple small leaks that were just seacock adjustments. Sam tightened the stuffing box just a little bit so that it was dripping instead of running and in doing so found out that the stuffing box hose was a little loose. So he tightened that up a little bit. Then Hank dropped by to say hello! It was wonderful to see him. It's so wonderful that he still takes interest and are of the boats he built. Anyway we moved the boat to the dock and started putting things back together. After 3 weeks in a hotel/airbnb it was like coming home from a vacation. Hannah is still putting things away and getting some kind of dinner ready. I'm so glad we are back in the water and so is Lilah! We got a lot accomplished this time and I'm very pleased with the condition of Grace right now. The final work on the paint/algrip was done wonderfully.

     Tomorrow we hope to finishing up the new echo locator /fish finder and an ethernet connection between the chart plotters. We also need to clean up a little wiring around the stern tube. Additionally we are going to rig up a more permanant boom vang / jibe preventer combination. I'm going to set it up a little like a horse. From the middle of the boom I'm going to run two lines down to the deck cleats midship to a couple snatch blocks and back to the secondary winches.

     Before bed I'm going to update the work list spreadsheet. Good night!

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