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Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2023 21:47:00 GMT

Still on the Hard

launching tomorrow

     Today they are finishing up the paint on the bow and we are ready to launch tomorrow. We have done a lot of work in the last 3 weeks: We added a command mic to the icom vhf. We freed, lapped, and excersized all the seacocks and capped off a couple not used. We painted the bottom with CuCote. We replaced the through hull for the Airmar Tri-sensor with a flapper valve through hull. We added a fish finder to the forward through hull. We sealed and rebedded the mast boots and resealed Sam's port hole/window. We replaced the cutlass bearning and repacked the stuffing box. We replaced the plumbing on the galley sink drains and re-adjusted the chain drive for the centerboard. We added an ethernet network to the chart plotter and repaired the paint on the hull where someone hit us last year.

     The yard had to re-do the paint which took an extra week in the Air-BandB. The first iteration was a wrong color and was blocked and taped, the second iteration was the correct color and feathered and blended. It looks good. We're getting ready to launch and trying to figure out where to go.

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